Page 6 - Chase Distillery Teaching Note Flip 2022
P. 6
Issue 1: Translating the idea into action
Chase had the ideal of spirit production since his time with
Tyrrells when he went to the USA to source equipment and
saw a small distillery at work and thought the concept could
be applied to his rejected for use potatoes.
He had to overcome the break from Tyrrells and the loss of
his potatoes outlet and start the process of starting a new
business. One that he had little knowledge of.
However, he did have transferable skills and experiences,
both good and bad, that he could draw on.
Issue 2: USP – A reality or perception?
The success of Chase Distillery is, like Tyrrells Crisps,
founded upon its unique selling proposition. Yet this
dynamic is changed for Chase at his new business.
Marketing, brand management and USP underpin the drive
to profit and ROI. How much of a risk is it for Chase to adapt
these elements from chips to spirits?
Issue 3: Funding
Funding is a major issue facing most companies.
Three stages may be identified involving Chase Distillery
1 – Start-up: embryonic/self-funded.