Page 13 - How Not To Cook The Books Article
P. 13


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                “I find it incomprehensible that               “I manage a company which was
                Wrekin Construction is being                   owed many thousands of pounds

                allowed to cease trading with a                by Wrekin construction we were
                full order book valued at £50M                 promised payment each and
                because of the absurdity of the                every month for eight months and

                Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)                   were lied to on many occasions
                decision not to extend £2M of                  by Wrekin management . We
                credit that would not only secure              only received the money upon
                the jobs at Wrekin Construction                serving a winding up order on

                but also many more jobs in both                wrekin. It is quite clear to me that
                the supply chain and local                     this is not the fault of RBS but the

                community.                                     fault of the wrekin construction
                If we equate the £2M request to                management I don’t blame RBS
                the fact that this represents                  for not lending these people
                approximately 2.5 years of the                 anymore.”

                former RBS Chairman’s pension,                 Comment by Bob — 13 Mar 2009 on
                then this only serves to highlight             2:46 pm
                the lunacy of the decision.                    http//

                Comment by Leigh — 11 Mar 2009 on              6332#comments-10716 (5)
                2:46 pm
                6332#comments-10685 (4)
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