Page 16 - How Not To Cook The Books Article
P. 16

Mr Powar said transferring funds to connected companies at a time
               when Wrekin Construction was insolvent and under severe financial
               pressure put the creditors at increased risk:

                              "A business deal which involved the creation of a sham
                              invoice ought to have set alarm bells ringing for the directors
                              and made them question the appropriateness of the whole
                              deal in the first place," he said.

                              "Directors who recklessly present misleading information in
                              this way damage the confidence of companies to do

                              business with each other and undermine the business
                              environment.” (9)

               Creative Accounting Comments

                       “The Wrekin Ruby was not the only piece of creative accounting
                       that the shyster who owned Wrekin (for less than two years) used”

               For example:

                1                                             2
                “Common accounting practice is                “Apparently in the last 12 months

                to write off an asset in the books            of Wrekin's life over £2 million was
                over a period of years. Wrekin                taken out of the company by these

                would write off, say, a JCB                   kind of scams.
                excavator over 4 years. At this               The reason I know this?
                point Wrekin's owner would sell               I was an employee of Wrekin for
                the JCB to a plant disposal                   many years right up until their

                company he owned (Equatrek) for  demise. The JCB scam was one
                £1. Three months later Wrekin                 that was uncovered by some of
                would buy the same JCB back                   the guys below Director level a

                from Equatrek at full market value,  couple of weeks before they went
                say £25,000. A nice way to take               under - and yes it has been
                £25,000 out of the company and                bought to the attention of the

                into the owners pocket.”                      Administrators.”

                Source: (10)
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