Page 14 - How Not To Cook The Books Article
P. 14

Staff & Suppliers

                A                              B                             C

                “They have never paid  “They stripped the                    “To stand in the
                on time, they lie and          company bear of all           window and watch low

                backtrack and never            its assets and cash           loader after lowloader
                follow the sub-                and then dropped              disappear down
                contract. They never           Wrekin from their             lamledge lane loaded
                did get a cash                 holding company               with my severance

                injection, just a gem          Tamar, also removing  pay holiday pay and
                stone injection.”              themselves as                 redundancy payment
                Comment by Paul — 16           directors shortly             showed me where mr
                Mar 2009 on 2:46 pm            before the big bang.”         unwins loyalty’s lay to
                http//downingstreeysays.c      Comment by Ian — 17           his bank balance.”
                om/briefings/6332#comm         Mar 2009 on 2:46 pm           Comment by ex wrekin
                ents-10738 (6)                 http//downingstreeysays.c     employee — 20 Mar 2009
                                               om/briefings/6332#comm        on 9:27 pm

                                               ents-10744 (7)                http//downingstreeysays.c
                                                                             ents-10751 (8)

               Mr Nickolas Ibbotson, Wrekin’s finance Director and Wrekin’s managing
               director, Peter Greenwood approved Wrekin’s accounts to 31 December
               2007, which included the gem as an asset worth £11 million, without
               checking the reliability or authenticity of the Italian valuation report.
               Furthermore, Ibbotson, aware of the uncertainties, told the company’s
               new auditors that £11m was a genuine market value.

               When the administrators tried to sell the ruby they found the document
               showing the £11 million valuation was a forgery and that the uncut gem
               was just a 2kg lump of anyolite, a type of brightly coloured crystal fairly
               common in East Africa and practically worthless. Moreover, a valuation
               of £11m would also mean that the gem was worth £8.4m more than any

               ruby in history.
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