Page 18 - How Not To Cook The Books Article
P. 18

Was it inevitable that the fraud would be found out?

               Unwin and Ibbotson used fictitious asset valuation entries, in particular

               the fake valuation of the Gem of Tanzania and two sham payments, to
               conceal the true financial position of Wrekin Construction. The gem
               might have stayed out of sight were it not for the recession. The
               business ran out of money and the company was put into administration
               and its assets lined up to be sold off. The answer may best  be
               illuminated by Warren Buffet :

                       It's only when the tide goes out that you learn who's been
                       swimming naked
                                                                  - Warren Buffet (2007)

               Any auditor worth their salt would have questioned the veracity of such a
               unique asset in the accounts. However, Ashgates, appear to have

               simply accepted the word of Wrekin’s management that the stone was
               truly valued at £11 million. The question is - would a
               national/international accountancy firm have been so ready to accept
               such assurances? The answer is probably - No! This may be the reason
               that the auditors were replaced.

               The timing of the Wrekin acquisition could not have been worse,
               occurring just as the financial crisis began to take effect. Contracts dried
               up as businesses put construction on hold or abandoned them.
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