Page 50 - Tyrrells Flip Teaching Guide
P. 50
2: Interest Free Loan
Chase claimed to be a serial entrepreneur and certainly a
case may be made for this. His attention had moved
towards setting up a new business, vodka distilling, based
on his primary resource – potatoes.
Winning the £5m entrepreneur challenge allowed Chase to
split these funds between marketing and distribution of
Tyrrells Chips and developing his new Vodka business.
However, how much focus had he lost or even, had he taken
the business as far as he could?
3: Langholm acquire a majority Stake
Langholm Capital inject substantial funds into Tyrrells
essentially to develop this fast-moving business. However,
their share is the majority one with all its implications for
control and management selection. Chase is freed up to
develop his interest in his new business whilst Langholm
Capital pursue the return on investment they seek as
venture capitalists.
4: Langholm acquire remaining stake in Tyrrells
Langholm Capital acquire the remaining stake in Tyrrells
Chips and this allowed it to develop the company under the
management of Milner who was not constrained by Chase’s
ethological stance. To grow the company, he needed to seek
the large superstore outlets and new markets. This he did
and along with acquisitions refocused marketing and
distribution, drove revenue up to the point where (double
overall investment) where secondary buyers offered an
attractive buyout price which Langholm accepted.