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12 Market Barometer//

          Market Trends                                        the  supermarkets  and  grocery  shops.  More  customers  are
                                                               adopting  grocery  pick-up  and  delivery  services  to  practice
          The  global  seafood  trade  continues  to  be  affected  by  the   effective  social  distancing  as  recommended  by  their
          COVID-19 pandemic through reduced food service demand   government authorities. Retail sales of seafood with longer
          and  disruption  of  food  chains.  China  is  recovering  slowly,   shelf-lives  such  as  frozen  and  canned/pouched  products,
          while the US, Europe, and much of Asia are in varying stages   have significantly increased. Demand for online retail sales
          of battling the onslaught of the virus, which continues to take   have soared as well, resulting in some products running out
          an  unprecedented  toll  on  millions  of  lives  and  livelihoods.     of stock.
          (A special INFOFISH Situation Report on Covid-19 and its
          effect on the global fisheries industry can be read on pages   Europe  and  others:  With  the  on-going  negotiations  on  a
          22-37 in this issue of the INFOFISH International).  trade deal between Vietnam and EU27, Vietnamese shrimp
                                                               exporters hope that sales to Europe will continue to expand.
          SHRIMP                                               Under the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the
                                                               duty  for  shrimp  (all  types)  will  be  down  to  zero  from  the
          Supply                                               current 12-20% rates.
          Lockdowns  in  main  producing  countries,  particularly  India,   With the coronavirus outbreak, some Ecuadorian companies
          Indonesia and Thailand due to the Covid-19 pandemic have   are no longer exporting to China, instead they are targeting
          severely complicated the supply chains. Farm harvesting took   new markets in the EU.
          place in March for those who had stocked their ponds earlier;
          however, the raw materials are being kept in cold storages.   Due to the weak seafood demand as a result of the pandemic,
          With farms and processing facilities located in different areas,   Argentinean  shrimp  imports,  particularly  from  Europe  and
          movements of products have become difficult particularly in   China,  have  been  greatly  affected.  The  main  importers,
          India and Southeast Asia. In any case, most processing plants   Spain and China, recorded declines of 19.42% and 33.68%
          are closed due to the implementation of lockdowns. Farmers   respectively. The limited demand from China in early 2020
          are  reluctant  to  start  another  cropping;  hence  they  have   resulted  in  high  inventory  of  shrimp  in  Argentinian  cold
          decided to stop seeding because of lack of demand from the   storages.
          markets. Most exporters are typically thinking months ahead
          in terms of sourcing products due to the transit times most   TUNA
          goods take.
                                                               Fishing  in  the  Western  and  Central  Pacific  (WCP)  remains
          Japan:  The  pandemic  has  affected  the  Japanese  seafood   poor.  Carrier  arrivals  in  Thailand  are  limited  but  Thai
          market  adversely.  A  significant  downward  trend  in  the   canneries  are  reporting  sufficient  raw  material  inventories.
          consumption of ‘luxury’ seafood including shrimp (head-on   Transhipment  operations  in  the  WCP  have  been  greatly
          shrimp  particularly)  is  seen  in  sushi  shops  and  restaurant   affected by the Covid-19 outbreak, with several ports now
          chains  (fast  food,  hotels  etc)  following  limited  outdoor   closed to carriers and fishing vessels.  Catches in the Indian
          activities and advisories for people to stay at home. Public   Ocean are reportedly moderate and raw material inventories
          gatherings, Spring festival celebrations and Tokyo 2020 have   at local canneries are healthy. Local canneries are operating
          been  cancelled.  However,  with  the  majority  of  consumers   at reduced capacity due to Covid-19 measures.
          now  staying  at  home  or  eating  at  their  respective  offices,
          supermarket  and  online  (lunch  box)  sales  have  gone  up   Thailand: FoodNews reports that Bangkok’s skipjack tuna raw
          remarkably. Ready-to-eat shrimp products that have recorded   material prices are stable in the range of US$ 1 450 – 1 500/
          good sales  include  nobashi-based  value-added  products,   MT. Canneries in Thailand are processing at full capacity with
          boiled  PD  shrimp,  frozen  seafood  pilaf  and  bread-battered   local sources saying that canned tuna is selling very well. The
          shrimp packages,  which has benefitted exporters (Vietnam,   raw  material  supply  seems  adequate  to  fulfil  the  needs  of
          Thailand and Indonesia) of value added shrimp to Japan.  an industry, with a smaller workforce. Due to panic buying,
                                                               buyers  are  asking  canneries  to  ship  canned  tuna    as  soon
          USA:  The  consumption  pattern  for  seafood,  including   as possible but at the same time, they are not placing new
          shrimp, has shifted from food service to retail and direct-to-  orders against future shipments.
          consumer  channels  (online)  following  the  implementation
          of control measures due to the pandemic. Restaurants are   Europe:  Canned  tuna  sales  are  booming  in  EU  lockdown
          closed or limited to take out deliveries and this has resulted   countries particularly in Italy, the most affected EU country
          in a significant decrease in demand for high value seafood.   with the highest number of Covid-19  infections and deaths.
          Overall consumer demand for shrimp is on a downward trend   Production  plants  owned  by  the  Italian  tuna  giant  Bolton
          as  consumption  is  limited  to  seafood  products  available  in

                                                                             INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●
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