Page 10 - ii_3_2020
P. 10
8 Marketing//
By Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy
As one of the top meat consuming nations in the world, Pakistan has a seafood per capita consumption of 2kg,
which is comparatively lower than other countries within Asia. However, this figure is likely to increase due to
ongoing developments in terms of the variety and format of fishery products available in the domestic market.
With close to 620 000 tonnes of fisheries production in 2019 (marine and inland), fisheries is an important sub-
sector of agriculture and plays a significant role in the national economy as well as contributes towards the
food security of the country. Furthermore, some 20% of the production enters international trade with the main
markets being China, Taiwan, UAE, South Korea and Malaysia.
Introduction of agriculture in Pakistan and plays a significant role in the
national economy as well as contributes towards the food
According to reports by FAO, the growth of global fishery security of the country (Table 1). The major fishing areas
production in 2019 is expected to remain flat primarily as a are concentrated along the coasts of Sindh and Balochistan.
result of trade tensions, while uncertainties loom for 2020.
At the time of the preparing this article, this prediction Marine capture fisheries constitute the major share, with
is increasingly likely to materialise not only due to trade close to 65% share of total fishery production. Some 46 102
restrictions, but also because the whole world and industries tonnes of aquaculture production were recorded in 2019.
across the globe (including fisheries) are grappling with Table 1: Total fishery production for the year 2019
the impact of Covid-19. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that (tonnes & Rps)
fisheries and seafood will remain an integral part of food
security and a valuable protein source in consumers’ diets, 2019
including in countries where seafood does not constitute the tonnes Rps
primary source of protein. Marine 383 768 141 120
Inland 234 921 107 100
With close to 620 000 tonnes of fisheries production in 2019 Total 618 689 248 220
(marine and inland), fisheries is an important sub-sector
INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●