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                                                           At the time of writing, more than 100 countries have implemented partial or
                                                           full lockdowns with varying degrees of restrictions on movement as the world
                                                           grapples to contain the Covid-19 virus. We here at INFOFISH are also under  a
                                                           “Movement Control Order” since March 18, 2020 which is expected to end on
          Editor-in-Chief                                  28 April, 2020.  During this period, we are working online from home, attending
          Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy                       to our official duties to the extent possible. This issue of the magazine will be
          Editorial Board                                  published electronically for now, due to limited access to printing facilities.
          Lahsen H Ababouch, Mohamed El Malagui, Graciela Pereira,
          Chen Shuping, Ouati Youssef, Aina Afanasjeva,   Shirlene Maria  As highlighted in our previous issue, the Covid-19 pandemic has been the worst
          Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy        in recent history, and to date, it continues to wreck the lives and livelihoods of the global community.
          Editor                            As early as the end of January, the impact of the virus on the global seafood trade and market began
          Firoza Buranudeen
          Editorial Consultant              to be seen, and in the time since then, there have been severe disruptions in production and supply,
          Audun Lem                         abrupt changes in trade flow, as well as the forced emergence of new trends. We will continue to
          Contributing Editors              monitor the situation and provide you with updates on the developments across the globe through
          Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy, Joelyn Sentina,   our network of correspondents. To this end, we include in the pages of this May/June issue of the
          Sujit Krishna Das, Apimeleki Sikoa Cokanasiga  INFOFISH International, a special Covid-19 Situation Report Update which readers will not want to
          Designer/Illustrator              miss. The Update contains a global view of the impact of the pandemic on our industry, including  an
          Mohd Syahir Zahardin              opinion piece on the Latin American tuna industry;  suggestions on preventative sanitary measures; as
          Editorial Assistants              well as a Policy Brief  by FAO on how Covid-19 is affecting fisheries and aquaculture.
          Norezah Ismail
          Advertisement, Promotion and Circulation  Moving on to other topics, this issue of the magazine carries an interesting article from Australia on
          Mohd Syahir Zahardin              the development of new products from seafood processing “wastes”, with collaboration from the
          Web Administrator                 industry.  There are also two write-ups which centre around small scale fisheries that is a key part
          Mohd Aftar Aris
                                            of the global Blue Economy. One article talks about applying an alternative approach that seeks to
          EDITORIAL OFFICE:                 empower fishers starting from having the right tools to fishing better and safely. The other article
          INFOFISH                          discusses why and how demographic changes affect fishing communities in Asia. Documented by
          1st Floor, Wisma LKIM             colleagues from FAO, this article is part of the larger picture to better understand the challenges as
          Jalan Desaria
          Pulau Meranti                     well as to serve as a guide in the formulation of policy and programme support for sustainable and
          47120 Puchong, Selangor DE        resilient small scale fisheries, whilst  ensuring the social wellbeing of ageing fisher populations and
          Malaysia                          women.
          Tel: (603)80668112 (603)80603734 • 80603738
          Fax: (603)80603697                Also covered in this issue is an article on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in aquaculture, its purpose
          Website:         and effects. Another article is a brief on the seafood sector in Pakistan, where approximately 30% of
                                            the population are middle income, a group which is among the fastest growing in the world. What is
          REGIONAL OFFICES:                 interesting is that in spite of Pakistan being one of the top meat consuming nations in the world, there
          Latin America, Caribbean
          INFOPESCA, Casilla de Correo 7086,  has been significant development in consumption of fish and fishery products in the domestic market.
          Julio Herrea y Obes 1296, 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay
          Tel: (598) 2 9028701/29028702 • Fax: (598) 2 9030501  Not to be missed also is the Industry Profile, this time that of Dr Meryl Williams, Chair of the Gender
          E-mail:   in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society and former Director-General of
          Website:        the WorldFish Centre, Malaysia. INFOFISH speaks with her about her extensive involvement over the
          Africa                            decades  in advocating for food security, marginalised groups and women in fisheries and aquaculture.
          INFOPECHE, BP 1747 Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire,
          Tél (225) 20 21 31 98/ 20 .21 .57.75
          Fax (+225) 20 21 80.54            Meanwhile, INFOFISH in consultation with the Thai Tuna Industry Association and Mr Phil Roberts,
          Email: /  Chairman  of  the  16th  INFOFISH  World  Tuna  Trade  Conference  &  Exhibition  (TUNA  2020),  has
          Website:         decided to reschedule the conference. The decision to reschedule was a most difficult one, driven
          Arab Countries                    by our collective sense of responsibility to ensure the best interests of all parties concerned. We are
          INFOSAMAK, 71, Boulevard Rahal, El Meskini  monitoring the situation closely and an announcement will be made sometime in late May or early
          Casablanca 20 000, Morocco.       June, subject to the prevailing world health situation at that time.
          Tel: (212)522540856 • Fax: (212)522540855.
          E-mail: /  We wish you, your friends and family well during this difficult time; please remember to take extra
          Eastern Europe                    precautions to keep yourselves safe and healthy.
          Eurofish, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46,
          1553 Copenhagen V , Denmark       Happy reading.
          Tel: (+45) 33377755 • Fax: (+45) 33377756
          E-mail:          Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy
          Website:          Director
          China                             INFOFISH
          INFOYU, Room 901, No 18, Maizidian street, Chaoyang
          District, Beijing 100125, China.
          Tel (86) 01059195186 • fax: (86) 01059195186.   INFOFISH International - your key to world markets: high technology applications by prime specifiers and purchasers in global fisheries - from catching
          E-mail:      and farming through processing and preservation to packaging, storage, transport and marketing. Advertising rates are available on request from the
          Website:          Advertisement Manager, INFOFISH International, P O Box 10899, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail: Web:
                                           INFOFISH  International  is  published  bimonthly  by  INFOFISH,  INFOPESCA,  INFOPECHE,  INFOSAMAK,  EUROFISH  and  INFOYU,  the  Regional  Marketing
          Printed by:                      Information  and  Advisory  Services  for  Fish  Products.  Subscription  rate  for  six  issues:  US$50  airmail  (non  members);  concessionary  rates  available  for
          Firdaus Press Sdn Bhd.                    individual subscribers in member countries of the Regional Services. Discounts available for three year subscriptions.
          No. 28, Jalan PBS 14/4, Taman Perindustrian Bukit Serdang,   The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers and any mention of companies and their products does not imply
          43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia  endorsement. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on
                                           the part of the publishers concerning the legal status of any country, territory city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delineation of its frontiers
                                                                          and boundaries.
                                                           Copyright © 2020 by INFOFISH. Contents cannot be reproduced without permission.
          INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●
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