P. 15


           Flexibility: The flexibility obtained from outsourcing your call center services is proving too good for
           most companies to just let it slip off their hands. Any business strategy that allows a company to adapt to
           changing market needs is a welcome strategy. It can allow for a company to move into a new market,
           with the difficulty that usually comes with moves – the language barrier, a whole new demographics,
           different culture and worldview of the intending customers, becoming of little or no consequences.
           Efficient call center service providers will mitigate these initial challenges by helping you to connect with
           your new customers, thereby leveraging on your new business environment. They understand the
           people and the terrain you’re about entering and will ensure you loses are curtailed, and profit

           Handling Overflow: There are certain periods when companies have spikes in their business. During
           times like the festive seasons, there is an unusual amount of demand on a company’s products and
           services, more inquiries on promotions and offers, more orders and technical support requests/aftersales
           services. A company cannot hire, train and commit new service agents to handle the overflow within this
           short period. What happens to the customer service agents after the boom season is over? Layoffs? That
           would call for a series of mass lawsuits against the company in question. Simple solutions companies are
           adopting is to outsource their customer service departments to outsourcers during the period of
           customers’ deluge. It saves costs and ensures efficiency.

           Competitiveness:  An outsourced call center service provider brings with it the latest technology in
           customer service relations that few in-house call centers of even top-rated firms can match. They know
           the ins and the out of the customer service markets and hiring them ensures a level of competitiveness for
           their clients. Many companies are becoming a part of this revolution in the call center industry. Allowing
           your competitors and business rivals to engage these service providers without becoming a part of the
           trend means you are losing your market and customers to rival companies. With an outsourced service
           provider, a company can focus on innovating new products and services, while leaving the service
           providers to engage the customers and report back on vital insights.

           Cost-reduction potential: Most western companies are now offshoring their call center operations to
           countries like India, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. This strategy has been known to save costs for these
           companies. Their growing customer base across varied geographies favours this strategy. For these
           companies, their operational costs are reduced to the barest minimum, as research shows that companies
           have been able to cut costs by as much as 50% using outsourced service providers. This Business Process
           Outsourcing (BPO), has also become a part of the global enterprise to make the world a truly global
           economy in the 21st century.
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