Page 12 - June 2017 Board Retreat BOOK COMBINED NEW
P. 12


       CATEGORY                                 JIM                                                JOHN D                                                   JOE                                                   TIM
       OF RESPONSIBILITY                       PK-12                                     MUNICIPAL/RECREATION                                          HIGHER ED                                      ALL PRACTICE AREAS

                                                                                Create and implement business plan                    Develop, propose and successfully meet
                                                                                                                                      approved higher ed annual business plan,
              BUSINESS  PLAN                                                                                                          including budgets and sales goal

                          Serve as the person accountable for all time/         Monitor and improve financial success                 Successfully negotiate fees and agreements with       Contracts/fee negotiations, fee approvals
                          scope/dollar issues, as well as for overall client    of projects                                           clients and engineers/consultants
                          satisfaction and profitability of projects

              PROJECT   FINANCIAL                                                                                                     Establish FGM’s goals and objectives for the

                                                                                                                                      project, including financial and lead the FGM
                                                                                                                                      team to successfully meet them

                          Functioning as a practice builder, leading the                                                              Participate in and seek leadership roles in allied
                          development of the Practice Area, reinforcing our                                                           higher ed organizations
                          position as a recognized leader with environments
                          that enhance communities and becomes the catalyst
                          for change and growth

           ENHANCE   REPUTATION &   EXPERTISE  Actively participate in professional client                                            Develop and deliver public presentations and
                                                                                                                                      write articles - directly or by others - to enhance
                                                                                                                                      FGM’s credentials as an expert in higher ed

                          Provide a competitive advantage and elevate
                          the firm’s marketing success based upon your
                          reputation, portfolio, contacts and relationships
                          within the practice area community

                                                                                                                                                                                                             BOARD RETREAT JUNE 2017
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