Page 24 - 2021-2022 Annual Report Booklet_2
P. 24
Worship Ministry
The Worship Ministry exists to create and maintain an atmosphere
conducive to worshipping God. Worship ministries are primarily serv-
ing ministries, where volunteer participants are given opportunity for
spiritual growth as they use their God-given abilities to advance
God’s Kingdom.
Review of the Year:
The Worship Ministry was honored to host a meet and greet reception with food, prizes, dancing, fellowship,
fun, and laughter to kick off this new journey together. We give God praise that nearly 100 members of the
Worship Ministry was in attendance. Several members in the Worship Ministry had not sat in a room with
each other as ministry in over two years.
We purchased an additional organ and drum ware to go with our keyboard and other equipment in the choir
room. That purchase now gives our band two places to rehearse with a full band setup. This change also al-
lows the singers space in the sanctuary to rehearse and remain covid safe. Truly, they are the backbone of
our music and worship program, presenting powerful worship weekly. The choir and/or praise team meets
every Thursday for two hours to rehearse plus tech run throughs on a Sunday morning is over 200 hours a
year, on average, just in rehearsal time. We thank God for our volunteers!
We have three functioning praise dance teams, four choirs, Hospitality and Usher Ministry operating in full
affect. Cornerstone Music Ministry is blessed with a multitude of wonderful musicians who regularly play
each Sunday and some Wednesday evenings.
The dedication and the joy that the choir and band bring to our rehearsals and services are vital to the quality
of music we enjoy on a weekly basis. Cornerstone is also blessed with a Children’s Choir that SINGS! As we
embark upon this new journey going into October 1 our goal is to continue to expand our choir and music
programs to 50 singers in every choir including Voices of Cornerstone, Children’s Choir, Youth Choir, and
Male Chorus.
In June 2022 of this year The Voices of Cornerstone and the dancers made their comeback during Pentecost
Sunday. The entire choir wore white representing the presence of God and red accessories representing the
fire of God.
Currently, we have 38 singers in VOC, 36 singers in the Children’s Choir, over 20 youth in the youth choir,
over 25 men in the male chorus. Our future goal is to continue to increase the numbers as we focus on reten-
tion. Systems have been put in place and are yet being modified to assist with our productivity. Spiritual for-
mation has been a major component in the Worship Ministry. It is our desire as it is the vision of Cornerstone
Church that we be living stones inwardly, outwardly and corporately in our presentation to God.
CBC Male Chorus made a great comeback after two years of pandemic. Special thanks to Bro. Jessie Gaines
for assisting in this movement.