Page 47 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 47

Fleet 16        Marblehead, Massachusetts
                          Massachusetts Bay, 1964
        Fleet Captain: Katherine Howe

        Fleet 16 had an enjoyable and eventful summer 2022, mostly of pleasure
        boating, with one fleet racing event, in which MAE FLOWER, IF, and PLEBE
        YEAR planned to compete in a charity pursuit race run by the Boston Yacht Club
        on September 4, 2022.

        IF, together with about half the fleet, pulled a DNR because of promised high
        winds and thunderstorms, and her withdrawal assured perfect racing conditions
        and weather for the remaining boats. But PLEBE YEAR, #1217 had the most
        exciting race of all of them.

        PLEBE YEAR was the scratch boat of 15 competitors of all lengths and classes
        and started first. It remained in first place halfway through the race, only to be
        passed by a Rhodes 19. Despite efforts by the race committee there were no
        downwind legs on this course marked by government buoys. There was not a
        spinnaker in sight. The final buoy was rounded with PLEBE YEAR still in second
        place with several boats rapidly approaching. The committee boat and the finish
        line were only a few hundred yards ahead when the back stay and leeward
        shrouds suddenly went slack and the boat slowed. PLEBE YEAR was passed by
        two boats with more approaching from down course. The first thought was that a
        turnbuckle became detached but the crew reported that was not the case.  All of
        the rigging also appeared in order.

        Finally, the stowed gear, lines and coolers were removed from the area at the
        base of the mast.  The mast step had broken in half and the mast butt end had
        been driven through the floor. If not for the cheek blocks which caught the edge
        of the hard rubber mast boot, the mast could have penetrated the hull. The mast
        was still vertical and PLEBE YEAR had some forward motion. After sailing this
        far and the line so close a DNF was not considered.

        PLEBE YEAR crossed the finish line and immediately dropped the sails, attached
        the engine to the transom and puttered back to the mooring at the Boston Yacht
        Club where temporary repairs were made sufficient to get the boat home.
        Intrepid skipper Jody Graul commented that the boat was only 55 years old. How
        could such a thing happen!?

        PLEBE YEAR plans to spend the summer on the hard awaiting repairs while her
        legend spreads far and wide among Ensigns.

        34     IF                    Katherine Howe
        66     AYALA                 Mark Horenstein
        96     GAHLEET               Robert Weiner
        203    MAE FLOWER            Kristen Standish
        839    TAKE FIVE             Knight Alexander
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