Page 50 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 50

1588   HUMMINGBIRD           Andy Mack
        1610   CARDINAL PUFF         Bill Miller
        1628   RED SKYS              Alan Kimpell
        1630   YIN YANG              Andrew Larson
        1635   JERSEY LILY           David Senness
        1752   SERENITY              Alan Greene
        1772   FLYING CLOUD          Todd Gustafson
        2002   BLUE LIGHTENING       Dick & Wynne Perkins

        Fleet 21       Brooklyn, New York
                       Sheepshead Bay, 1964
        Fleet Captain: Richard Lubell

        Fleet 21 at Miramar Yacht Club in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn conducted a full
        racing season from late May through October.

        Eight Ensigns competed in a series of regattas. Andrew Shabalin skippering
        Uforia maintained a consistent lead throughout the summer Wednesday evening
        series, regaining his champions title that had slipped away the last summer to JP
        Reardon in Uno.  But, this year Uno did not compete. Splash skippered by me
        (Rich Lubell) competed closely for 2  with LuckyUs skippered by perennial
        champion Barbara Banchik. A new competitor in 2021, Debbie Does Brooklyn,
        with Ben Stern and his wife Karen took a leave of absence this year, and Karen
        gave birth to a new baby boy. We are looking forward to their returning to the
        club with their new family member this upcoming season.  Another new arrival to
        the club was Ensign #841 renamed Carneirinho, skippered by Tom Tolleson and
        his wife Krissy. They entered the fray and raced valiantly all season.

        After racing, we were feted as usual by our co-chairs on the entertainment
        committee, Leon Paley and Ben Leo, who competed together in the Ensign
        Celest, and then prepared and dished up food and drink when back on shore.

        The Saturday Trophy races saw Splash and Uforia trading champion trophies. In
        the Fall Series, Splash won the final duals of the season.

        Miramar, under the leadership of its thoughtful Commodore, David Shin,
        purchased a second club Ensign#1721 which has resulted in more access for
        skippering for those in our club who presently are non-boat owners.

        Here is a list of winners and runner ups through the 2022 season:

        Wednesday Night Series (10 race days)
        Champion       Uforia   Andrew Shabalin
        2  place       Splash  R. Lubell
        3  Place       Lucky Us!  B. Banchik

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