Page 6 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 6

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

                               From Our Marketing Coordinator

          Hi Everyone!

          A lot has happened since I last wrote to you via  We have some fun virtual events to look forward
          Tags and Swipes. I know that this year has been  to in the coming months and I can’t wait to see all
          tough (that’s a huge understatement I know). My  of you there! Thank you for being the light, love,
          hope for all of you is that despite the stress, the  hope and joy in this season we are traveling
          unknown and the odd Groundhog Day effect of     through. We are all here… apart BUT together
          this quarantine, that each of you have found some  and looking forward to the future.
          light and silver linings during this time.

          I have seen a lot of those silver linings through
          the awesome things all of you are doing in your
          choruses and quartets. Thank you for sharing
          your zoom rehearsals, social distance rehearsals,
          new ways to celebrate birthdays and stay
          connected to one another. Also, a huge shout out
          to everyone in this amazing region for being so
          involved in the virtual events that the RMT has
          been hosting for the past 6 months. I especially
          want to applaud ALL of you for your
          submissions to our Virtual Festival (way back in
          April). We had 22 quartets and 19 choruses who
          participated. Our region helped to lift the spirits
          of barbershoppers all around the world! We
          had over 23,000 viewers of our Virtual Festival  Lala Carey
          weekend. All of you have so much talent, heart,
          love and spirit! Every single quartet, chorus and  Region 1 Education Coordinator
          member in this region makes Region 1 who we
          are and we could not be us without YOU.


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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