Page 5 - 2018 Fall Tag and Swipes
P. 5

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2018

                        From Our Regional Membership Director

        The Regional Membership Director, (ME !)

        It  is  the  Regional  Membership  Director’s  responsibility  to  oversee  the  membership  program  for  our
        region, its choruses, its prospects, its growth and retention.

        The  Membership  director  appoints  and  oversees  the  activities  of  the  Regional  Membership  Resource

        I  am  so  excited  to  have  such  capable,  enthusiastic  members  of  Region  One  working  with  on  the
        Membership Resource staff; Annette, concentrating on assisting you as you build your membership; Judy,
        offering strategic planning workshops to assist with maintaining your membership  and Marie is available
        to  work  with  our  chapter  at  large  and  transitioning  members  by  providing  alternative  membership

        It is the RMD and  resource staff that can give choruses assistance with developing membership growth
        programs; goal setting;  conflict management; revitalization; helping prospective choruses with the steps
        program.  The  Membership  team  develops  recognition  and  incentives;  first  timer  ribbons;  longevity

        Our  design  is to  meet  with  every  chorus individually;  get  to  know  you  all  better, to  understand  and
        celebrate your uniqueness. To support your strategy for membership growth and retention.  Please share
        your ideas, what works for you  and why.  We’re ready to listen!

        We are working with the Regional Education and Regional Administrative resource teams on developing
        a strategic plan for our Region;  Please see me if you are interested in working with the Membership
        Resource staff as we move forward; we always love to entertain new and fresh ideas.

           Deb Richard
           Regional Membership Director,
           Regional Executive Committee


                                North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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