Page 5 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 5

Tags and Swipes, Contest 2018

                       Build it, they will come…Maintain it, they will stay

        Build it they will come….Maintain it  they will stay

        This will be Region One’s focus  for the next couple years.

        Great concept right?  I thought  so.  When I began thinking about it I realized….. you need someone
        to build it.

        Hence  this year we’ll be concentrating on Retention and building.

        Some  may  say  I  have  a  backwards  way  of  thinking..  I  tend  to  want  to  believe  it  is  a  realistic
        approach.  We need to have a chorus that will attract the members we want before we go recruit

        I challenge you to answer a few simple questions:

        Who are you?
        How do you establish trust in your chorus?
        What attracted your current members to your chorus?
        Do you know why  members have resigned?
        How passionate are you?
        Are you good a communicator?
        What do you want to build?

        Then by  working  together  you  can  build the chorus  you  want  to  be….    Attract the  members to
        support your individual chorus…..  without losing current members.

        Let us all become so passionate  that when you hit the right notes and it rings making your teeth
        hurt; your ears buzz ; your hair stand up….. so many chills  so little time;  you just can’t help but
        share it with the world

        Your  Membership  Resource  staff  (Judy  Lang;  Annette  Landry;  Marie  Riley)  and  myself    look
        forward to working with you!  Call on us… any time !

        In Peace and Harmony,

        Regional Membership Director,
        Regional Executive Committee


                                   North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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