Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8

Tags and Swipes, Contest 2018

                                   Location, Location, Location!

           As your Facilities Coordinator, it is my job to find spaces for Winter and Fall Regional Weekends,
           and contest too.  I have researched other possibilities for competition weekend and want you to know
           that we have a perfect set up; therefore, there is no plan to change that right now, but we’ll see what
           happens when the MGM Casino and Hotel opens later this year.  We are contracted through 2020.
           A few years ago I did a survey, and there was a large majority of our members who wanted to move
           around to different locations for WR and FR.  Since then I have made it my mission to “boldy go”
           where, perhaps, the region has never gone before…or haven’t been in a long time!

           In searching for venues, I have discovered that it is very easy to find a hotel, with enough meeting
           space, that will work with us on the terms of the contract when I am booking for January.  Our Fall
           conference is entirely another story.  New England in the fall is very expensive.  I try to keep your
           room rates low, especially since the rooms for competition weekend have gotten so high in recent
           years.  In the fall, the rates tend to start at $150 per night and go up from there.  I sourced the Holiday
           Inn in Portland Maine, and they wanted $250 per night!

           Since hotels have plenty of business in September, they aren’t as willing to flex on the details.  They
           usually want to charge us for the meeting rooms (and we require a lot of space), and they want us to
           buy a minimum amount of food.  Some of you may remember that we used to go to the Radisson in
           Nashua.  I  asked  them  to  give  me  a  proposal.  They  wanted  a  food  and  beverage  minimum  of
           $12,000!  I asked them to come down to $3,000, and they wouldn’t budge.

           Why am I telling you all this?  I want you to understand that if we end up going back to the same
           place every fall, it’s because they want us there and have helped me keep our costs down.  I will
           continue to look for variety in locations, but I will not do it at your expense…since we would have to
           pass on high prices to you!  I also want you to feel free to give me ideas of places to go.  Not just
           towns, but actual venues.  We require a ballroom that seats at least 400 people theater style, plus 8-10
           breakout rooms.  We will use 100 sleeping rooms per night, Friday and Saturday.  Email me with
           names and locations, and I will happily follow up.

                          In Harmony,

                          Patti Lavernoich
                          Facilities Coordinator,
                          Education Resource Team


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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