Page 7 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 7

Figure 3-2: Siting of the Dumping Ground ................................................................. 18

                      Figure 3-3: Quartering Method of Solid Waste Sample Analysis ............................... 23
                      Figure 4- 1: Flow Sheet for Typical Biomining Activity. .............................................. 40


                     BOD                Biochemical Oxygen Demand
                     BH                 Bore Hole
                     BOOT               Build Own Operate Transfer
                     C & D              Construction & Demolition
                     C/N ratio          Carbon to Nitrogen ratio
                     CPCB               Central Pollution Control Board
                     CPHEEO             Central  Public  Health  and  Environmental  Engineering
                     CTE                Consent to Establish
                     CTO                Consent to Operate
                     DBO                Design Built and Operate
                     DPR                Detailed Project Report
                     EC                 Environmental Clearance
                     EIA                Environmental Impact Assessment

                     EMP                Environmental Management Plan
                     GCL                Geosynthetic Clay Liner
                     IS                 Indian Standards
                     ISWM               Integrated Solid Waste Management
                     LTP                Leachate Treatment Plant
                     MoEF & CC          Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change
                     MRF                Material Recovery Facility
                     MPCB               Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
                     MSW                Municipal Solid Waste
                     NOC                Non Objection Certificate
                     OHS                Occupational Health & Safety
                     RCC                Reinforced Cement Concrete
                     RDF                Refuse Derived Fuel
                     SBM                Swachh Bharat Mission
                     SLF                Sanitary Landfill
                     SoR                Schedule of Rates
                     STP                Sewage Treatment Plant
                     SWM                Solid Waste Management
                     TCE                Tata Consulting Engineers
                     TPD                Tonnes Per Day
                     ULB                Urban Local Bodies
                     WHO                World Health Organization
                     WtE                Waste to Energy

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