Page 11 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
P. 11


       LEAH BESHORE,                         with Pink Martini and Portland Cello   Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria after
       violin, just finished                 Project. Heather is currently cello   winning the Pro-Mozart Society of
       her first year directing              teacher and director of chamber      Atlanta competition. Sunriver Music
       the five orchestras                   ensembles at George Fox University   Festival since 2024.
       of Bend Senior High                   and founding member of the Arnica
       School and Pilot Butte                Quartet. Sunriver Music Festival since   NOELLE BURNS, oboe,
       Middle School. She                    1996.                                holds the positions
       has a Master of Arts in                                                    of principal oboe of
       Teaching from George Fox University.   ALICE BLANKENSHIP,                  the Tacoma Opera
       She loves symphonic music the most    violin, is Artistic Director         Orchestra, second
       though, and received her MM in        of Microphilharmonic                 oboe of Symphony
       Violin Performance from the Catholic   Baroque, Concert-                   Tacoma, and second
       University in Washington, DC. Sunriver   master of the Oregon              oboe/English horn of Northwest
       Music Festival since 2019.            Mozart Players, a                    Sinfonietta. Noelle has performed with
                                             member of the Eugene                 the Houston Symphony, Jacksonville
       LINDABETH BINKLEY,                    Symphony and orchestral soloist. As a   Symphony, AIMS Festival Orchestra,
       oboe, has held positions              Baroque violinist, she has performed   and Spoleto Festival USA. Originally
       with the Tucson                       with Portland Baroque Orchestra,     from Tacoma, Noelle is pleased to have
       Symphony Orchestra,                   Oregon Bach Festival, Santa Fe Pro   returned to her roots to be a part of
       Colorado Symphony,                    Musica, and Pacific Baroque Orchestra.   the cultural community. Sunriver Music
       Arizona Opera, and                    Alice holds a Doctorate degree in Violin   Festival since 2019.
       Central City Opera.                   Performance and Music History from
       She is currently principal oboist of   the University of Oregon, a Performer's   KARI CALDWELL, cello,
       the Flint Symphony Orchestra and      Diploma in Early Music and Historical   is principal cello of the
       Professor of Oboe at Central Michigan   Performance Practice from the Royal   Tulsa Symphony and
       University. She performs regularly    Conservatory, The Hague, and a       the Tulsa Opera. As a
       with the Powers Woodwind Quintet,     Master's Degree in violin performance   member of Trio Tulsa,
       at International Double Reed Society   from the San Francisco Conservatory   she was featured on
       Conferences, and as a visiting guest   of Music. She received a Bachelor‘s in   NPR’s “Performance
       artist at college campuses across     Music and International Studies from   Today.” Her former students can be
       the United States. Passionate about   the Clark Honors College, University   seen in major orchestras throughout
       the teaching of oboe reed making,     of Oregon. Alice is the founder and   the US. She performed on fellowships
       she maintains an Instagram devoted    leader of Scandinavian folk dance band  at the Aspen Music Festival and the
       entirely to the process, @thinthetip.   Høstedans. Sunriver Music Festival   Tanglewood Festival, where she played
       Sunriver Music Festival since 2021.   since 2024.                          for Mstislav Rostropovich and received
                                                                                  the Piatagorsky Prize. Her orchestral
       HEATHER BLACKBURN,                    DILON BRYAN, horn, is                experience has included concerts with
       cello, is an in-demand                an esteemed British-                 Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, Edo
       performer and teacher                 born hornist and                     de Waart, Rostropovich, and Claus
       based in Portland, OR.                pedagogue based                      Tennstedt. Originally from Northport,
       She holds degrees                     in Atlanta, GA. He                   New York, Kari attended the Eastman
       from Peabody Institute                has performed with                   School of Music. Sunriver Music
       and Washington                        prestigious ensembles                Festival since 1984.
       State University. She was appointed   including the Colorado, Atlanta, Detroit,
       to the Oregon Symphony and has        and North Carolina Symphonies,       JOHN CARRINGTON,
       performed as guest principal cello with   amongst others. Dilon is currently   harp, is principal harp
       the Oregon Ballet Theatre Orchestra,   the Adjunct Professor of Horn at    for Pacific Northwest
       Portland Opera Orchestra, Oregon      the University of North Georgia and   Ballet and the Auburn
       Mozart Players and Tulsa Symphony,    University of West Georgia. He holds   Symphony. He is an
       and most recently Symphony            an MM in Performance from the        active freelancer,
       Tacoma and Orchestra Next. She        University of Georgia and a BM in    teacher and recording
       has been a featured soloist with      Performance from Columbus State      artist in the Seattle area. He has
       the Portland Symphonic Choir and      University. Dilon also completed     performed with conductors such as
       extensively performed and recorded    summer studies in 2019 in both
                                             horn & Alexander Technique at the                    Continued on next page

       SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL  541.593.1084                                                              2024  -  11
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