Page 13 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
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Youth Symphony Music Festival, Strings Music Festival, orchestral musician with the Eugene,
Association. Before Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, and Spokane, and Oregon Symphonies
joining CYSA, she both as guest assistant principal and and the Oregon Bach Festival, Henry
worked in Major Gifts second bassoon with The Cleveland is principal trombone of the Portland
for the Los Angeles Orchestra at Severance Hall, Carnegie Opera and Oregon Ballet Theatre. He
Philharmonic. Dr. Hall, Blossom Music Festival and is also a member of the Oregon Brass
Fuhrman graduated throughout Europe. Sunriver Music Quintet. Sunriver Music Festival since
with her Doctor of Musical Arts from Festival since 2019. 2009.
the University of Oregon, and with a
professional certificate in finance and NADINE HALL, cello, has YVONNE HSUEH,
nonprofit management from Cornell performed with virtually violin, a native of Los
University. She also holds a Master every major orchestral Angeles, now resides
of Music from the San Francisco group in Southern in Eugene, Oregon.
Conservatory of Music. Clara performs California. A member She is the former
regularly with the Eugene Symphony of the Los Angeles concertmaster of the
Orchestra and Eugene Opera, as Opera Orchestra, Los Newport Symphony
well as many professional ensembles Angeles Master Chorale Orchestra, and is acting concertmaster of various
throughout Oregon and with the and Pasadena Symphony, she has orchestras on the west coast. She
Oregon Bach Festival. Sunriver Music appeared regularly with the Long is also a member of the Eugene
Festival since 2017. Beach and Pacific Symphonies, the Symphony, the Oregon Mozart Players
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, the and numerous regional orchestras.
NORA LEE GARCIA, Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and the She is an active soloist, recitalist, and
flute, a Powell Flute Los Angeles Philharmonic, with which chamber musician. Ms. Hsueh has
Artist and Professor of she toured Europe, Asia, and the been on the faculty of Western Oregon
Flute at the University United States. In addition, Ms. Hall has University and is currently instructing
of Central Florida is enjoyed working with dance companies at Lane Community College. Sunriver
widely recognized as including the Joffrey Ballet and the Music Festival since 1996.
an international soloist, American Ballet Theater. She has spent
chamber artist, and teacher. She is many summers performing in music IAN KERR, percussion,
the principal flute of the Bach Festival festivals around the west, including San is principal timpanist
Orchestra of Winter Park. She has Luis Obispo, and Boulder, Colorado. of the Eugene
performed as a soloist in renowned Sunriver Music Festival since 1985. Symphony and Oregon
venues such as Carnegie Hall, Heinz Mozart Players, and
Hall, Steinmetz Hall and collaborated JEN HARRISON, horn, acting assistant
with prestigious musicians such as lives in Portland and principal timpani and
Krzysztof Penderecki, Michael Tilson performs with the section percussion for the Oregon
Thomas, Michel Debost, Philip Moll Portland Opera, the Symphony. His orchestral experience
and Gary Schocker. Nora Lee’s album Oregon Ballet Theater, includes collaboration with many
“Cubatina” won Album of the Year 2022 the Eugene Symphony, top conductors and soloists. Ian has
Global Music Award, she also received the Portland Chamber performed with many pop, rock and
two Silver Medals in the categories Orchestra, the Portland Brass Quintet, country stars. Ian is a member of the
of Duo and Instrumentalist. She has the Northwest Horn Orchestra, University of Oregon percussion faculty
recorded for Netflix, Sony Pictures, and the occasional local rock band. and has previously held teaching
Centaur and Warner Brothers. Sunriver Sunriver Music Festival since 2001. positions at Pacific University, George
Music Festival since 2024. Fox University and Portland State
HENRY HENNIGER, University. Sunriver Music Festival
ANTHONY trombone, a native since 2018.
GEORGESON, bassoon, Oregonian, is Assistant
is associate principal Professor of Trombone NAIARA SÁNCHEZ
bassoon of the Atlanta at the University of KISSICK, violin, a native
Symphony Orchestra. Oregon and previously of Lucena, Spain, is an
Prior to that he was at Oregon State active orchestra and
principal bassoon of The University and Linfield College. Henry chamber musician. She
Florida Orchestra and the New World graduated from Indiana University has performed with
Symphony. He has also performed in trombone performance and the Winston-Salem
with the Milwaukee Symphony, earned his Masters from Manhattan (NC), Greensboro (NC), and Roanoke
Minnesota Orchestra, Mainly Mozart School of Music. An active soloist and
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SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL 541.593.1084 2024 - 13