Page 12 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
P. 12

Continued from previous page          Music Festival since 2001.           where he founded and directed the
                                                                                  New Zealand Jazz Orchestra. Frank
       Seiji Ozawa, Charles Dutoit, Leonard   TIM COGSWELL,                       has a long and distinguished career
       Slatkin, Leon Fleisher and John       percussion, is                       in education having been a professor
       Rutter and also worked with popular   percussionist with the               at the universities of Montana and
       performers such as Tony Bennett, Josh   Eugene Symphony                    Akron where he directed the orchestral
       Groban, Olivia Newton John, James     Orchestra (Principal                 programs and was bass instructor for
       Taylor and Andrea Bocelli. Summer     1996-2023-retired) ,                 the International Congress of Strings.
       festivals have included The National   principal percussionist             Sunriver Music Festival since 1986.
       Repertory Orchestra and Tanglewood.   both with the Oregon Bach Festival
       He received his Master of Music       and the Eugene Concert Choir and     LAUREN ELLEDGE,
       degree from the Cleveland Institute of   principal timpanist of the Eugene   viola, is a member of
       Music and his Bachelor of Music from   Opera Orchestra. He is percussion   the Eugene Symphony,
       the University of Washington. Sunriver   instructor at Lane Community College,   Oregon Mozart Players,
       Music Festival since 2024.            teaching artist with the Eugene      Orchestra Next, and a
                                             Symphony's community education       frequent guest of the
       STEPHEN CHONG,                        program and performs with the Shedd   Spokane and Modesto
       violin, is a 25-year                  and Oregon Mozart Players. Tim is    symphonies. She has played with the
       member of the first                   a freelance percussionist, teacher,   Portland Opera, Oregon Ballet Theater,
       violin section in the                 clinician and solo contest judge.    and the Sacramento, Napa, Vallejo,
       Eugene Symphony and                   Sunriver Music Festival since 1986.  Monterey, and Berkeley Symphonies
       has played the violin                                                      and the Oregon Bach Festival. Lauren
       for over 30 years. He                 JENNIFER CROCKETT,                   holds an M.M. from the San Francisco
       performs in several orchestras in the   clarinet, has performed            Conservatory of Music and a B.M. from
       Northwest. Stephen graduated with     with the Oregon                      the University of North Texas, both in
       a Bachelor of Music Degree from       Symphony, Oregon                     viola performance. An experienced
       the University of Oregon. His most    Ballet, Walla Walla                  chamber, jazz, and rock musician, she
       memorable moment with the Eugene      Symphony, and Yakima                 can be heard on numerous albums
       Symphony was playing Mahler’s Fifth   Symphony Orchestras.                 and soundtracks. Sunriver Music
       Symphony and Brahms’ Requiem          She is a DePaul School of Music      Festival since 2015.
       under Marin Alsop. Sunriver Music     graduate, and has an active recording
       Festival since 2012.                  career with local bands. Jennifer was   JOY FABOS, violin,
                                             a founding member of the American    resides in Portland,
       JÁTTIK CLARK, tuba, is                Federation of Music Local 99 Portland’s   Oregon. She
       principal tuba of the                 “Fair Trade Music” Campaign to       completed her studies
       Oregon Symphony,                      establish living wages for Portland gig   at Northwestern
       a private teacher,                    musicians. She is an advisory member   University. She has
       collegiate instructor                 for the Oregon Independent Venue     played with many
       and clinician. JáTtik                 Coalition and founding member of     orchestras in Portland and the
       currently serves as                   the Astoria Arts District. Jennifer is   Northwest as a freelance violinist
       co-principal tuba of the Grand Teton   Executive Director of The Liberty   including the Spokane, Honolulu, and
       Music Festival and principal tuba of the   Theatre of Astoria, Oregon. Sunriver   Vancouver Symphonies, the Portland
       Oregon Bach Festivals. His college and   Music Festival since 2024.        Chamber Orchestra, and the Bravo
       university affiliations include adjunct                                    Chamber Orchestra. Joy spent two
       positions at Oregon and Portland      FRANK DILIBERTO,                     years in Ontario as a member of the
       State Universities. JáTtik’s recordings   bass, was principal              Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra
       include solo features with the Oregon   bass of the Oregon                 and returned home to Portland where
       Symphony, with the latest being the   Symphony from 1983-                  she earned a position with the Bach
       West Coast premiere of the Concerto   2013, and served as the              Cantata Orchestra and became a
       for Tubist and Orchestra by Wynton    orchestra’s assistant                founding member of the string quartet
       Marsalis, Grand Teton Music Festival,   and resident conductor             Arcadia PDX. She also enjoys playing
       Vancouver Symphony (WA), Portland     under James De Preist for five seasons.   and recording with Pink Martini as part
       Columbia Symphony, Salem Chamber      Diliberto, a Chicago native, has been   of the Harvey Rosencrantz Orchestra.
       Orchestra, Corvallis-OSU Symphony,    a member of the Chicago, Cincinnati,   Sunriver Music Festival since 2010.
       OSU Wind Ensemble, and the            and Houston Symphonies, the Lyric
       "Pershing’s Own" United States Army   Opera, Grant Park Symphony, and      CLARA FUHRMAN, violin, is the
       Band in Washington D.C. Sunriver      New Zealand Broadcasting Corp.,      Executive Director of the Corvallis

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