Page 14 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
P. 14

All Classical Radio, performs regularly   for Orchestra Next and serves as
       Continued from previous page
                                             with the Oregon Symphony, as well    the Instructor of Low Brass at Lane
       (VA) Symphonies. She is also a former   as Trio Picea and the Delgani String   Community College. As a composer, he
       member of the Granada Baroque,        Quartet. She has toured Asia and     has premiered several works. Sunriver
       University of Granada, and Verum      across Europe (including in her home   Music Festival since 2022.
       Orchestras. Ms. Sánchez received her   country of Latvia), with performances
       Bachelor and Master of Music Degrees   in Radio City Music Hall, The Kennedy   ANDREAS LANG,
       from Granada’s Royal Conservatory     Center, Nokia Theater, The Hollywood   horn, took up French
       of Music and the University of North   Bowl, and most recently, playing the   horn as a child in his
       Carolina at Greensboro, respectively.   national anthem to open a Trailblazers   native Germany. After
       Sunriver Music Festival since 2016.   game at the Moda Center in Portland,   arriving at Oregon
                                             Oregon. Her session work includes    State University as a
       JOSEPH KLAUSE,                        scores for Frozen, Renfield, Outlander,   Fulbright Scholar in
       trumpet, received his                 Ben Hur, The Age of Adeline, as well   1989, he joined the Eugene Symphony
       Bachelor’s Degree in                  as Halo and Spider-Man video games,   Orchestra as assistant principal horn,
       Trumpet Performance                   and albums for Alesana, Federale, and   and has performed several times at
       from the New England                  Pink Martini. Kovalev is a graduate of   the Oregon Bach Festival. In addition,
       Conservatory. At the                  Portland State University where she   Andreas served as Principal Horn
       Longy School of Music                 received her Master’s degree. Sunriver   with the Corvallis- OSU Symphony
       in Cambridge, he received a Master’s   Music Festival since 2012.          Orchestra, a position he held for 14
       Degree in Dalcroze Eurhythmics and                                         seasons. Sunriver Music Festival since
       an Artist Diploma in Chamber Music.   JONATHAN KUHNS-                      2016.
       Joseph teaches at Reed College,       OBANA, horn, is
       Clackamas Community College, and      currently a member                   CAROL LAUBE, violin,
       in his private studio. Sunriver Music   of the Eugene                      is an associate-
       Festival since 2018.                  Symphony Orchestra,                  concertmaster with the
                                             Portland Opera                       Reno Philharmonic,
       LESLIE KNIGHT, violin,                Orchestra, Oregon                    principal second with
       was raised in Portland,               Mozart Players, and Eugene Concert   the Reno Chamber
       Oregon and went on                    Orchestra. Previously, he has held   orchestra, and spent
       to major in music at                  principal positions with the Hong    six years in Branson, MO playing with
       Willamette University                 Kong Sinfonietta, Hyogo Performing   the Lawrence Welk Orchestra. Carol
       earning a Bachelor of                 Arts Center Orchestra (Japan), and   earned her bachelor’s degree in violin
       Music Performance in                  the Young Musician’s Foundation      performance from Rice University and
       Viola. Since moving to                Debut Orchestra (Los Angeles). Jon   two masters in violin performance; the
       Bend in 1979, Leslie has performed    is a founding member of The August   first at DePaul University while studying
       with the Central Oregon Symphony,     Winds, a Dallas-based woodwind       with Mark Zinger and the second at the
       Music in Public Places programs, as   quintet, and has performed with      University of Nevada, Reno where she
       well as Opera Bend, Mastersingers,    the microphilharmonic at the Shedd   studied with her friend and mentor
       Cascade Chorale, and musical          Institute in Eugene. Jon received his   Phillip Ruder. She has spent the past
       productions.  She is a long-standing   Master of Music from the University   two summers in the Appalachian
       member of the Dove String Quartet,    of Southern California and Bachelor   League serving as Bench Coach for
       and launched the orchestra program    of Music from Indiana University.    the Burlington Sock Puppets. Sunriver
       at Three Rivers School.  Sunriver Music   Sunriver Music Festival since 2023.  Music Festival since 2007.
       Festival since 2014.
                                             JAMES KUZMIC, tuba,                  ERIC LEE, violin,
       NELLY KOVALEV,                        hails from Allenton,                 is associate
       violin, is concertmaster              Wisconsin and holds                  concertmaster of the
       of the Oregon Ballet                  a bachelor’s degree                  Washington National
       Theatre Orchestra                     in music from the                    Opera/Kennedy Center
       and associate                         University of Wisconsin-             Opera House Orchestra
       concertmaster of the                  Stevens Point and a                  in Washington, D.C. He
       Hawaii Symphony and                   master’s degree from the University   holds degrees from the Juilliard School
       has been featured as a soloist with   of Oregon. He is Principal Tuba of   and the University of Wisconsin-
       the Oregon Symphony and Oregon        the Portland Columbia Symphony       Madison. A native of Wisconsin, Eric
       Ballet Theatre amongst others. She    Orchestra and the Newport Symphony   also spends part of every summer
       has performed in live broadcasts on   Orchestra. He is bass trombonist     performing with the Britt Festival

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