Page 16 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
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festivals, including the Astoria Festival   and Music Education at the College-
       Continued from previous page
                                             of Music and the McCall Summer       Conservatory of Music at the University
       STEPHEN REDFIELD,                     Music Festival. She teaches flute at   of Cincinnati. Sunriver Music Festival
       violin, was a student                 George Fox University and maintains   since 2013.
       of Dorothy DeLay at                   two active flute studios in the Portland
       the Cincinnati College-               area. Sunriver Music Festival since   KATHERINE SCHULTZ,
       Conservatory and                      2012.                                cello, is principal
       Donald Weilerstein at                                                      cellist of the Portland
       the Eastman School.                   DAVID SAVAGE,                        Chamber Orchestra,
       He has an active schedule as a soloist   bassoon, performs                 assistant principal
       and chamber musician in the United    with the San Diego                   of the Oregon Ballet
       States and internationally, performing   Symphony, Pacific                 Theatre Orchestra,
       on both modern and Baroque violin,    Lyric Opera, Broadway                and a member of the Portland Opera
       and specializing in eighteenth-century   San Diego, San Diego              Orchestra. She was assistant principal
       concertos and piano trio repertoire.   Chamber Orchestra,                  of the Tacoma Symphony, and played
       Over 40 years with the Oregon         San Diego Gilbert and Sullivan       with the Houston Symphony and
       Bach Festival, he has participated in   Company, the Harry Partch Ensemble,   the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. She
       numerous recordings, including the    and various other orchestras and     has been a featured artist in many
       Grammy® Award-winning disc Credo.     chamber ensembles in San Diego       chamber music series throughout the
       Stephen is concertmaster of Santa Fe   County and Mexico. Mr. Savage       Pacific Northwest, including the Siletz
       Pro Musica, the Arizona Bach Festival,   has taught bassoon and served as   Bay Music Festival where she has
       the Conspirare Company of Voices,     a clinician at several local colleges   fulfilled the roles of soloist, chamber
       and La Follia Austin Baroque. His     and universities. He has also been   musician, and principal cellist since
       performances as concertmaster and     a member of the Classics 4 Kids      2009. Other festivals in which she has
       soloist with the Victoria Bach Festival   company since its founding in 1994,   participated include Oregon Coast,
       have been broadcast nationally.       presenting many public school        Cascade, Tanglewood, Kent/Blossom,
       Sunriver Music Festival since 1989.   concerts for chamber orchestra and   National Orchestral Institute, and
                                             smaller ensembles in commercial      Interlochen. Sunriver Music Festival
       GORDON RENCHER,                       theaters, school auditoriums, as well   since 2013.
       percussion, is one                    as doing individual online classroom
       of the west coast’s                   demonstrations. Sunriver Music       BRENDON SILL,
       most versatile                        Festival since 2000.                 bassoon, is currently a
       percussionists. He is                                                      bassoon fellow with the
       principal percussionist               JASON SCHOOLER,                      New World Symphony
       for the Portland Opera                bass, currently                      in Miami Beach, Florida,
       and Oregon Ballet Theater, and has    performs with the                    and has performed
       been principal for several summer     Oregon Symphony,                     with the Cleveland
       music festivals, including the Oregon   the Oregon Bach                    Orchestra, Atlanta Symphony
       Bach Festival. He performs frequently   Festival, 45th Parallel            Orchestra, Florida Orchestra, and the
       with Oregon Symphony, Third Angle     Universe, Classical                  Charleston Symphony. Originally from
       New Music Ensemble, and is Portland’s   Up Close, Lewis & Clark Chamber    Tampa, Brendon received his master’s
       “first call” show player for touring   Players. He has performed with the   degree from the Cleveland Institute
       Broadway musicals. Sunriver Music     Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the   of Music under the tutelage of John
       Festival since 1996.                  Columbus Symphony Orchestra, the     Clouser, and his bachelor’s degree
                                             West Virginia Symphony, the Dayton   from the University of South Florida
       RACHEL RENCHER, flute,                Philharmonic and, the Ft. Wayne      under the tutelage of John Kehayas.
       is a freelance flutist in             Philharmonic amongst others. Jason   Sunriver Music Festival since 2024.
       the Portland, OR area.                is also an active teacher, with his own
       She is the principal                  private teaching studio and music    MATTHEW TUTSKY,
       flutist for the Vancouver             faculty positions at Lewis & Clark   harp, is currently
       (WA) Symphony                         College and the University of Portland.   principal harp with
       Orchestra and is a                    He is an instructor with Young       Oregon Symphony,
       member of the Portland Opera and      Musicians and Artists, Portland Youth   Portland Opera, and
       Portland Chamber Orchestra. She       Philharmonic, Metropolitan Youth     Oregon Ballet Theatre.
       has performed with the Oregon         Symphony, and several Portland       He has previously
       Symphony, Oregon Ballet Theater       area schools. Mr. Schooler received   held principal harp positions with
       and several area summer music         a degree in Music Performance        New Mexico Philharmonic, Colorado

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