Page 17 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
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Springs Philharmonic, and Boise and his flamenco marimba duo have JENNIFER ROBERTS
Philharmonic. His performances have pleased audiences all over the world. YOPP, cello, is a
been acclaimed at premier concert Doug has performed with multiple member of the
venues such as Carnegie Hall in festival orchestras, and has toured Hausmusik String
NYC and Harpa in Iceland. He has for 30 years with the Westminster Quartet which performs
performed with leading musical icons Brass. He is Director of Percussion at many concerts annually
and is a member of the American the University of Colorado, Boulder. in Colorado Springs and
Harp Society and Vice-President of the Sunriver Music Festival since 1980. surrounding areas. She was a member
Boise Chapter. Matthew holds teaching of the Colorado Springs Philharmonic
posts as Pro Tempore Instructor of MIRIAM ENGLISH from 1991 to 2008, maintains a private
Music at University of Oregon, Adjunct WARD, viola, is studio, and has registered courses
Professor of Harp with The University principal violist of the with the Suzuki Association. She holds
of Portland, and Adjunct Professor Portland Chamber a B.M. degree from Portland State
of Harp at Reed College. Matthew is Orchestra and a University and M.M. degree from
a graduate of the Manhattan School regular performer of Indiana University. Sunriver Music
of Music and Juilliard’s Pre College. chamber music. As a Festival since 1991.
Sunriver Music Festival since 2024. freelance performer, she has played
with ensembles throughout the United MICHAEL YOPP, horn,
SARAH VIENS, trumpet, States. Several composers have written lives in Colorado
is principal trumpet of solo works for her, and she can be Springs. He studied
the Pacific Northwest heard in recordings for Japanese at Northwestern
Ballet Orchestra and is television and movies. She is an active University and serves
an active performer in performer and arranger in pop, rock, as principal horn in the
the Pacific Northwest, modern classical and alternative Boulder Philharmonic
including with the groups. Dr. Ward has taught at various Orchestra and Opera Colorado and
Seattle Symphony and the Oregon colleges, workshops, and studios to is associate principal horn in the
Symphony. Sarah is co-founder, prepare students for scholarships and Colorado Springs Philharmonic. He
general manager, and principal college. Her current interests include performs extensively in the Pikes Peak
trumpet of Orchestra Next, the commissioning new works for viola region as both soloist and orchestral
resident orchestra with the Eugene and performing contemporary modern musician while also running an IT
Ballet Company. Sarah has performed works for solo viola. Sunriver Music consulting company. Sunriver Music
with various chamber and recording Festival since 2019. Festival since 2006.
ensembles, Broadway shows, jazz
ensembles, alternative, funk and rock JEFFREY WORK, YI ZHAO, concertmaster,
bands and has performed with the trumpet, joined the was born in Henan,
Oregon Bach Collegium as a cornetto Oregon Symphony China, and has been
and recorder soloist. Sarah is a as principal trumpet assistant concertmaster
widely sought after teacher and has in 2006, following 13 of the Colorado
previously taught at the University of years as an active Symphony since 2014.
Oregon and Willamette University. freelance musician Zhao received her
Sunriver Music Festival since 2011. in the Boston area. He performed Bachelor of Music at the Yong Siew Toh
regularly with the Boston Symphony Conservatory of Music in Singapore,
DOUGLAS WALTER, Orchestra, the Boston Pops, and and earned her Master’s Degree
percussion, has an numerous other ensembles, recording under Cho-Liang Lin at Rice University.
international reputation a wide variety of orchestral and She was a fellow at Tanglewood and
as a marimba and solo repertoire. Since 1999, Work Music Academy of the West. More
vibraphone artist has also served during the summer recently, she went on the Pittsburgh
in the classical and months as principal trumpet of the Symphony’s 2022 European tour, and
jazz fields. The only Colorado Music Festival in Boulder. In has performed at the Grand Teton
percussionist to win the Concert Artists 1995, he became the first trumpeter Music Festival in Jackson, Wyoming.
Guild Competition in New York City, to be awarded the New England Zhao has shared the stage with many
Walter has performed over 300 solo Conservatory of Music’s prestigious world-renowned artists and has
recitals and concerti in Europe and Artist Diploma. Sunriver Music Festival been featured as both a soloist and
North America. His achievements in the since 2008. a chamber musician. Sunriver Music
jazz world include the first university Festival since 2023.
recording nominated for a Grammy
award. His unique solo improvisations
SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL 541.593.1084 2024 - 17