Page 107 - Training 2019
P. 107


            Do                                                Don’t
            Do mount the blade with the ground lamella side    Never mount the blade with the ground lamella side
            / labelled side facing upwards towards you in the   /labelled side facing downwards in the blade holder,
            blade holder, with the marked arrow pointing      or with the marked arrow pointing towards you.
            towards the chrome cylinder.
            Do mount the blade in the blade holder with 3 – 5   Never mount the blade in the blade holder with less
            mm extension from the backup blade.               than 3 mm extension-----makes the blade too stiff and
                                                              sensitive to nicks and scratches and also increases
                                                              Never mount the blade in the blade holder with more
                                                              than 5 mm extension----makes the blade flex too
                                                              much, giving too large a contact surface and wipes
                                                              over the cell allowing more ink through.
            Do keep the blade protected inside its box until just   Never leave the blade lying around unprotected.
            before mounting in the press to avoid extra       Avoid hand-polishing the blades before use as the
            handling.                                         blade is ready to use.
            Do keep the blade stored away from high humidity.   Never let the blade be exposed to high humidity for
                                                              long periods of time as this will cause rust and pitting.
            Always use as little blade pressure as possible    Never apply extra pressure on the blade to solve
                                                              printing problems----it may help temporarily, but it
                                                              will soon make the problem worse.
            Do use a high contact angle (e.g. 45° - 60°) as   Never use too low a contact angle (e.g. 30°)---it
            practically possible without losing stability.    creates a large contact surface and can cause printing
                                                              Never use too high a contact angle---it causes
                                                              vibrations and an unstable wipe.
            Do keep the blade holder clean, straight and free of   Never allow dry ink to build up in the blade holder---it
            nicks.                                            can make the blade sit unevenly (wavy) or cause the
                                                              blade to not lay parallel with the printing cylinder.
            Do keep the blade holder parallel to the cylinder,   Never allow the blade holder and cylinder to come out
            horizontally, vertically and depth-wise.          of alignment with each other, in all three directions---
                                                              it causes print variations.
            Do fasten the doctor blade evenly to keep a uniform   Never use too little torque on bolts so that the blade
            extension out of the blade holder, starting from   is loose in the blade holder, nor too much torque so
            centre and moving out, and use an even torque on   that the blade is ”wavy” along its length.
            bolts along the blade length.
            Always use a backup blade that is stiff enough (0,38   Never use too thin a backup blade---it creates an
            to 0,50 mm), thicker depending on how much of the   unstable support.
            blade protrudes the blade holder.  Alternatively use   Never use too thick a backup blade---it creates
            a 0,15 mm doctor blade with a 0,50 mm backup      excessive pressure and wear.
            blade and a 0,20 mm thick doctor blade with a  0,38
            mm thick backup blade.
            Do cut away the backup blade at 45° on each end to   Never use backup blades with straight ends---it
            reduce end wear of the doctor blade against the   creates extreme pressure where the edge of the
            edge of the cylinder.                             cylinder meets the doctor blade and causes excessive
                                                              wear, removing chrome from the cylinder edge and
                                                              eats away at the doctor blade causing ink splashes.

                                                                SWEDEV DO’S & DON’TS TRAINING MANUAL   3
                                                                                      Updated - 24 June 2019
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