Page 111 - Training 2019
P. 111


            Do                                                Don’t
            Mount the blade with the ground side              Mount the blade with the ground side
            / labelled side facing into the chamber.          /labelled side facing the anilox
            Handle used doctor blades with extreme care to    Handle used doctor blades without extreme
            avoid cutting injuries.                           care.
            Keep the blade inside its box until just before   Let the blade lie around unprotected
            mounting in the press.
            Keep the blade stored away from high humidity.    Let the blade be exposed to high humidity for
                                                              long periods of time.
            Use as little blade pressure as possible---------just   Apply extra pressure on the blade to solve
            enough to seal the chamber to the anilox. Check end  leaking problems or printing problems----it may
            seals and alignment to solve leaking problems.    help temporarily, but it will soon make the
                                                              problem worse.
            Keep the blade holder clean.                      Let old ink fasten onto and into the blade
            Keep the anilox parallel to the blade holder,     Let the blade holder and anilox come out of line
            horizontally, vertically and depth-wise.          with each other, in all three directions.
            Fasten the doctor blade evenly to keep a uniform   Use too little torque on fasteners so that the
            extension out of the blade holder, and an even    blade is loose in the blade holder, nor too much
            torque of fasteners along the blade length.       torque so that the blade is ”wavy” along its
            For printing with UV-inks, use a doctor blade that is   Use a thin blade (< 0,25 mm) for UV-inks.
            stiff enough, to avoid UV-spitting.
            For flexo printing, use at least 0,20 mm blade    Use a blade thinner than 0,20 mm for
            thickness for doctoring.                          doctoring.
            Use a containment bladet that is thin enough to   Use a containment blade that is so stiff (thick)
            allow sealing of the chamber.                     that it prevents ink from returning to the
                                                              chamber and causes thereby backdoctoring.
            Use a magnet in the ink filters to trap worn-off steel   Print without filters and magnets.
            dust from the doctor blades.
            Keep the ink protected (lid on the buckets) to    Contaminate the ink.
            prevent contamination.
            Select blade tip to suit the anilox line-count.   Use a blade tip that is too thin or thick for the
                                                              anilox line-count.

                                                                SWEDEV DO’S & DON’TS TRAINING MANUAL   7
                                                                                      Updated - 24 June 2019
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