Page 30 - ASSESSMENT OF ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
P. 30

Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.  The children should have a positive view of work.

            2.  The children should learn about a traditional local industry – blanket making.

            3.  For the children to note what has changed and what has remained the same in the
                 world of work over the past hundred years.

                                                  HOLIDAY TIME

        Truth to Teach (Source)

               Genesis 2:2           God rested after creating the world.

             ¾   God has established the rhythm of a time for work followed by a time of rest.

            ¾   The way in which people relax and spend their holidays has changed over this

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.    After God had finished his work of creating the world, do you know what He did?
                  The Bible says, ‘He rested from all his work.’  (Genesis 2:3)  He looked at all he had

                  made and enjoyed it all.  He had a rest, a break.

                  In the same way he has told us that there is a time to work, which is good, and that
                  after that, we need to have a break or a rest.  He says this very clearly in one of
                  the Ten Commandments; ‘Six days you shall labour and do all  your work, but  the

                  seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.  On it you shall not do any work.’
                  (Exodus 20:9-10)

                   God has established a pattern of work followed by rest.  He knows this will be best

                  for us, rather than work, work, work all the time.

            2.    If we think about our own situation in School, you come to School on five days, and
                  have two days off.  Time for work is followed by time for rest.

                                        (Changing World, Unchanging God)     28
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