Page 33 - ASSESSMENT OF ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
P. 33
Ask for examples of things which have not changed, eg God’s love, power,
faithfulness, the need to work and rest, the need for a home, etc. Talk about our
Queen who has been on the throne for over 50 years and the stability she has
brought to our nation.
3. If someone were to ask you, “When has been the best time on earth in which to
live?” I wonder what you would say.
Establish that there has never been a particular time on earth in which everything
has been perfect, apart from in the Garden of Eden before the fall. There have
been good things and bad things about living in every time. However, we can be very
sure that God has caused us to be born at the right time.
4. When you think of the changes which have taken place in the last hundred years,
what would you like to give thanks to God for? What sort of machines, or inventions
or discoveries or improvements are you grateful for?
List the children’s ideas on the board in an attractive way. (See below)
For example,
different foods play clothes
telephones Lego
television space travel
computer aeroplanes
better medicines and hospitals
5. Each one of these discoveries or inventions did not happen by themselves. Instead a
person or a group of people worked hard to achieve them. What these people have
done, their work, has made a difference, in the lives of other people. Learning how
to fight diseases and care for sick people is a good thing. Computers, used wisely,
are good things too, etc.
6. Did you know that God has planned good works for you to do? Listen,
(Changing World, Unchanging God) 31