Page 70 - Resources
P. 70
Psychosomatic whole Dualistic
Understanding of World is good Matter is secondary, there is a
World Prosperity is a blessing. Health higher level.
is God’s purpose for us. Poverty is a blessing, suffering
is good for you.
God One God Many gods, idolatry
Is known by his deeds, is Is known for his attributes, is
proved by faith. proved theoretically.
General Majors in verbs, reality Majors in nouns, philosophy
Focuses on character Looks for performance
Action – James 2:17-26 Argument, debate, theory
Character and heart Body and mind
Made for God’s pleasure Own pleasure
Dependant on God Dependant on the flesh
Focus on inward Focus on outward
Temple – Holy of Holies Temple – ornate
Body created in image of God Bodies – pride
Dress - modesty, to cover Dress – to reveal
Truth to Teach (Source)
Galatians 3:28 ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor
female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’
For those who believe in Jesus by faith there are no barriers of race,
gender or class.
To conclude the project by comparing the Greeks and Hebrews and
reviewing learning that has taken place over the course of the term.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Ask the children what they have enjoyed most about the project.
2. Give them the Greek/Hebrew quiz.
3. Draw up a list of contrasts between the Greeks and Hebrews.
(Greek Grandeur, Hebrew Heart) 67