Page 67 - Resources
P. 67
7. Charoses = sweet, symbolises sin once enjoyed, or freedom
8. Salt water = tears of repentance, Red Sea is like baptism, come out in newness
of life
9. Passover tells everyone’ story – life of slavery to sin, to repentance, salvation,
eternal life
The Second Cup
1. Cup of Salvation
2. Spilled into individual plates in front of each person a drop at a time (ten drops)
3. Symbolises plagues, visit upon Egypt (frogs, vermin, blood, beasts)
4. Blood saved us
The Meal (Seder Meal)
1. Roasted meat, enjoyed leisurely by the whole family
2. Meal includes much prayer and worship
3. Lasts from sundown to midnight
The Third Cup
1. Cup of Redemption
2. Unleavened bread that was hidden is eaten with the third cup.
3. Three loaves represent the Trinity, middle one is the Son whose body was
broken, wrapped in white linen.
4. Everyone must partake of it.
5. Father breaks off pieces and passes it around the table.
6. Bread and wine are blessed – Matthew 26:26
a) Father blesses the bread first: - ‘Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of
the Universe, who bringest forth bread from the earth.’
Then he said, ‘This bread is my body.’
Jesus foretold his own resurrection in the blessing.
Bread has ‘stripes’ – by his stripes we are healed.
It is pierced – ‘they shall look upon me whom they have pierced.’
Jesus was buried on the Feast Day of Unleavened Bread.
b) Father took wine and gives thanks –‘Blessed are Thou, O Lord our God, King of
the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.’
(Greek Grandeur, Hebrew Heart) 64