P. 31

Science Y5 – God’s Amazing Matters - overview

                       Week 2        Lesson 3      Wonders of Wood
                                     Lesson 4      Working with Wood (Visit or Practical Lesson)

                       Week 3        Lesson 5      Working with Wood (Follow-up of Lesson 4)
                                     Lesson 6      World of Wood

                       Week 4        Lesson 7      Rubber
                                     Lesson 8      Glass

                       Week 5a       Lesson 9      Plastics

                       Weeks 5b/6  Lessons 10-12   Personal Projects

                       Week 7        Lesson 13     Sharing Personal Projects
                                     Lesson 14     Marvellous Minerals

                       Week 8        Lesson 15     Metal Detectors
                                     Lesson 16     World of Metals

                       Week 9        Lesson 17     Story of Oil

                                     Lesson 18     Textiles

                       Weeks 10/11  Lessons 19-22  Personal Projects

                       Week 12       Lesson 23    Sharing Personal Projects
                                     Lesson 24     Visit

               2.      Teacher-led inspiration giving clear guidelines.

               3.      Pupil research, usually in pairs, leading to brief pupil presentation to the class.

               4.      Throughout the project the teacher should seek to inspire the class with amazing facts
                       and allusions to the character of God

               5.      During the term there is scope for cross-curricular work: -

                         •    English - Writing poems or songs of gratitude to God.

                         •    Assemblies - with pupils preparing and leading assemblies focusing on gratitude
                              to God. These assemblies could possibly be used in visits to state schools.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
               1.      The children should have an increased knowledge and appreciation of the variety of
                       natural resources God has created.

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