P. 8
Science Y5 – Living and non-living things – week 1
• Movement
• Reproduction
• Sensitivity
• Nutrition
• Excretion
• Respiration
• Growth
6. Explain that a scientist called Linnaeus grouped living things, giving them Latin names with
the first word denoting the family or species, and the second name identifying the specific
living thing within that family. (Compare to our first and surnames in reverse). Show books
with some of these names in.
7. Explain that we can classify all living things which have been created by the King of the
universe into five kingdoms:-
• Animals - vertebrates and invertebrates - warm-blooded - bird
- mammal
- cold-blooded - fish
- amphibian
- reptile
• Bacteria
• Fungi
• Plants - vascular and non-vascular
• Protist - single-celled plants and animals, e.g. amoeba
8. Give the children time to gather examples of each kingdom by referring to books or the
Internet. The worksheet could be used, or alternatively, the children may write their own
notes. Less able children could draw pictures.
9. Gather to give thanks to God for the vast range of living things he created, emphasising any
new creatures the children may have found out about for the first time.
10. For homework the children could reinforce their learning by completing the blank ‘Five
Kingdoms Created by the King’ sheet.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children should recognise the need to sort and classify living things to facilitate the study of
them. They may also appreciate the need to classify and bring order in other areas of their lives.