P. 24

Science Y6 – Forces and Motion - overview

                                                FORCES AND MOTION
        Truth to Teach (Source)

            Colossians 1:16-17   ‘For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible ….. all
                              things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together.’

          Forces are an invisible part of God’s ordered creation. Man has been given responsibility to rule over and subdue the earth.
          To enable him to do this a degree of understanding of the laws in creation is necessary.

                   There are forces of attraction and repulsion between magnets; there are forces of attraction between magnets
                     and magnetic materials.

                   Objects have weight because of the gravitational pull between them and the earth.

                   The effect of friction, including air resistance slows moving objects.

                   When springs and elastic bands are stretched they exert a force on whatever is stretching them. When springs
                     are compressed they exert a force on whatever is compressing them.

                   Forces act in particular directions.

                   Forces acting on an object can balance, eg a tug of war; when this is happening an object at rest stays still.

                   Unbalanced forces can make things speed up, slow down or change direction.

        Way to Work (Means)

               Week 1
               Forces are a part of God’s creation

               Week 2
               Magnetic fields

               Week 3
               Unbalanced forces
               Forces and motion

               Week 4

               Week 5
               Forces of air and water
               Parachutes and aeroplanes

               Week 6
               Elastic bands

               Week 7

               Week 8
               Gears and other wheels

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