P. 19
Science Y6 – Heat – week 3
Truth to Teach (Source)
God’s command to man to care for the earth which includes taking measures to conserve energy.
Identifying conductors and insulators of heat.
Gathering evidence to test predictions.
Finding the best material for a tea-cosy.
Way to Work (Means)
Equipment: Materials – fur, wool, nylon, silk, cotton, acrylic, polyester, string, tape, thermometers, mugs or teapots
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Talk about making and testing predictions. Discuss these situations and ask the children to decide what would
happen as a result: -
a) Stirring hot soup with a metal spoon.
b) Roasting chestnuts over an open fire with a metal fork.
c) Using a wooden spoon to stir hot liquid.
d) Lagging the pipes in your house.
3. Show a display of materials; ask the children to predict which one they think would be best for making a tea-cosy
which keeps tea hot for the longest period of time. Remind them that the mugs need to be made of the same
material to ensure that the tests are fair.
4. Divide the class into groups to test the materials wrapped around mugs or tea-pots. Set the time intervals for
testing the temperatures.
5. Gather back to share results and to discuss how they are to be recorded.
6. Discuss eco-friendly homes with solar heating, double-glazing, good roof and wall insulation, energy-saving light
bulbs, etc. Some children may like to find out more about eco-friendly homes from books or the Internet. Talk
about God’s command to man to care for the earth; energy-saving is a vital part of this.
7. Review the main points of the lesson.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will see the relevance of this topic to their daily lives and why energy-saving is an important issue for
everyone. As Christians, we should be playing our part in these discussions. The children should have seen the value of
making predictions and testing them, then recording their results carefully.