P. 17

Science Y6 – Heat – week 1

                                              HOT, COLD OR LUKEWARM
                                            Measuring heat - thermometers
        Truth to Teach (Source)

            Revelation 3:15-16   ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So,
                              because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.’

              What makes lukewarm Christians neither hot nor cold?

              Different kinds of thermometer and how they work.

              Recording of temperatures.

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.   Show the children a variety of thermometers, eg maximum and minimum, clinical, Celsius, Fahrenheit, digital.
                 Discuss their uses, similarities and differences.

            2.   Talk about how a thermometer works. (The liquid inside it expands when it warms up so it rises up the tube.)
                 Ensure that the children know that heat is measured in degrees Celsius (0ºC is the freezing temperature of
                 water and 100ºC is the boiling point of water) or Fahrenheit (32ºF is freezing, 212ºF is boiling).

            3.   Discuss why we need to measure heat, e.g. our temperatures, oven temperatures, knowing what to wear, room
                 temperatures, heating things.

            4.   Divide the class into groups or pairs to record the temperatures of the following: -

                       a)     Cold tap water
                       b)     Hot tap water
                       c)     Iced water
                       d)     Steam from a kettle (with an adult)
                       e)     Air temperature outside
                       f)     Air temperature inside
                       g)     Their temperature

            5.   Talk with the children how the temperatures can best be displayed / recorded. (Class graph, individual graphs,
                 tables, by hand, on the computer)

            6.   Let the children try the worksheet after you have shown them how to convert temperatures from Celsius to
                 Fahrenheit and vice versa.

            7.   Read the above verses and discuss what it means to be a lukewarm Christian.
                 End by praying that we will be ‘hot’ Christians, enthusiastic to share God’s love with people around us.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        The children should know how to use a thermometer, how it works and how to record temperatures. They should be able to
        convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. The spiritual lessons they can learn will hopefully be
        meaningful too.

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