P. 29

Science Y6 – Forces and Motion – week 2

                                                  MAGNETIC FIELDS

        Truth to Teach (Source)

                     More information about magnets and lodestones

                     To discover more about magnetic fields

        Way to Work (Means)

        Equipment:     Magnets, variety of objects which are attracted or repelled by magnets, paper clips, iron filings, different
                       thicknesses of card, dress pins, saucers of water, rulers, large needles

              1.  Review the previous lesson.

              2.  Talk about lodestone. Lodestones are magnets that are found in nature. They are chunks of magnetite that have
                 been exposed to the strong magnetic field from a bolt of lightning that has struck the earth. Lodestone was used
                 by the Vikings to make simple compasses. They tied a lump of lodestone so that it hung freely and it would turn
                 to the north.

              3.  Ask the children what they already know about magnetic fields.

                 The earth acts as though it has a huge bar magnet across its centre. Lines of magnetic force run through the
                 earth from one pole to the other.

                                            North Pole

                                                 South Pole

                 A compass needle is a small magnet which lines up with the earth’s magnetic field so it always points to the north
                 and south. However, a compass needle does not point to the true north because the earth’s magnetic forces are
                 always changing. It may point to a place in Canada or even to Siberia in 2020.

              4.  Divide the children into three groups to try the experiments.

              5.  When each group has completed the four experiments, gather the children back to discuss their findings and
                 conclusions. Discuss whether they were fair tests.

              6.  End by comparing the use of a compass to find direction with the way in which God guides us.

            Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            The children will hopefully have discovered more about magnetic fields and the importance of them in finding direction
            using a compass, but in other areas of life too.

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