P. 34
Science Y6 – Forces and Motion – week 6
Truth to Teach (Source)
Luke 17:5 ‘The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
Like an elastic band, our faith can be stretched to give us more spiritual energy to serve God.
When springs and elastic bands are stretched they exert a force on whatever is stretching them.
Energy is stored in an elastic band.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Talk about the verse above and how it applies to us.
3. Show the children an elastic band and a spring of some kind. Explain that these can be used to make things move.
As an elastic band is twisted and tightened, energy is stored in the band; it is released when the band unwinds.
This energy can then be used to move objects.
As elastic bands and springs are stretched they exert a force on whatever is stretching them.
4. Talk about where springs and elastic bands are used in daily life, eg in watches, clocks, machines, hoovers, cars
5. Give the children the worksheets to perform the experiments.
6. Gather back to share results and draw conclusions.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will appreciate more about forces and the fact that energy stored in springs and elastic bands can be used to
make objects move. They will also be more aware of the use of springs and elastic bands in daily life. Hopefully, they will
be challenged to pray for extra faith as the early apostles did but that they will also appreciate that faith grows by being