P. 36

Science Y6 – Forces and Motion – week 8

                                                GEARS AND OTHER WHEELS

        Truth to Teach (Source)

                The importance and use of gears and drive wheels

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.   Review the previous lesson.

            2.   Let the children examine a bicycle, whisk and any other toy with gears. Talk about gears.

                 Gear wheels are toothed wheels of different sizes. They work to make things move more quickly or more slowly.
                 The number of times the wheels move depends on how many teeth or ‘cogs’ each wheel has. Examine a whisk or a

            3.   Show the children how gears work using Lego gear wheels. Talk about the advantages of gears on bicycles, etc.

            4.   Show the children a picture of a water-wheel and briefly discuss how it works.

            5.   Talk about drive wheels and followers and how they work.

            6.   Divide the class into groups to perform the experiments.

            7.   Gather back to discuss their findings.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        As well as the benefits gained in working together in groups to perform experiments, the children should have gained
        greater understanding of how different kinds of wheels work and how wheels have enhanced our daily lives.

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