P. 35
Science Y6 – Forces and Motion – week 7
Truth to Teach (Source)
Genesis 1:27 ‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he
created them.’
God has given men and women the ability to create because we are made in God’s image.
Man has created machines to overcome some forces and to make work easier.
The use of pulley wheels in our daily lives.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Give the children a minute to list as many wheeled objects as they can.
3. Create a list on the board of the children’s objects. Look at pictures of other wheeled objects, eg wheel-
barrow, pottery wheel, spinning wheel, wheeled toys, tin-opener, crane.
4. Talk about inventors who have created machines for us to use, eg the wheel which was invented 6,000 years
ago and has transformed our society. God has given people the ability to create for the good of others. Sadly,
some people use their abilities to invent things which harm others.
5. Explain that a pulley is a kind of wheel with a groove around it for a rope to fit into. If the rope is attached to
a heavy load it is easier to lift when passed over the pulley wheel. Pulleys help us because we can pull down
more easily than we can lift up. We have to overcome the force of gravity to lift objects.
6. Let two children hold a broom horizontally and parallel to one another. Tie a string around the end of one then
thread a rope around the brooms.
Let a third child hold on to the loose end and pull so that the brooms are pulled closer together despite the
other two children trying to pull them apart. This is a simple pulley.
7. Divide the children into groups to try the experiments with pulleys.
8. Gather back to discuss their findings.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will have learnt how pulleys work to save us energy. They should be more aware of them in their daily
lives. They should also realise again how much of God’s creativity is in each one of us even though it is outworked in
different ways.