P. 32

Science Y6 – Forces and Motion – week 5

                                              THE FORCE OF AIR / WIND

        Truth to Teach (Source)

               Acts 2:1-4  The Holy Spirit as a ‘violent wind’.

              Observing the effects of air / wind.

              Overcoming the force of air / wind

              Making parachutes and aeroplanes

        Way to Work (Means)

        Equipment:     Large piece of card, paper clips, string, 20 cm squares of paper, paper, tape measure, stop-watch

            1.   Review the previous lessons. Talk about the above verses.

            2.   If it is windy let the children try running across the yard holding the card against the wind. Then let them try
                 running in different directions to feel the difference. Ascertain which direction the card is in when it is the most
                 difficult to run along.

            3.   Return to the classroom to talk about ways in which the force of the wind is useful to us and when it is a
                 hindrance, eg windmills, sailing, parachuting, flying, hurricanes.

            4.   Divide the class in half so that half can experiment with paper aeroplanes and half with parachutes.

        Experiment 1

            a)   Make a number of parachutes with varying lengths of string, different sized  canopies, different numbers
               of paper clips attached as weights.

            b)   Drop the parachutes from the same height, eg standing on a chair. Time each drop with a stop-watch.

            c)   Record the results in a table form either on the computer or on paper. Eg

                   String lengths     Time to drop          Canopy size            Time to drop

        Experiment 2

            a)   Make a variety of different shaped and sized aeroplanes, measuring how far each one flies. Put varying numbers
                 of paper clips on the front of them.

            b)   Record the results in table form.
                     Paper size         Distance it flies       Nose weights          Distance it flies

   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37