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P. 19

Science Y3/Y4 – Plants – week 1


        Truth to Teach (Source)

              To begin to appreciate the amazing variety of plants which God has created

              To define ‘vegetation’

              To create a plant alphabet

              To look at plant ‘families’ / categorising plant life

        Way to Work (Means)

              1.   Introduce the topic by showing the children a wide range of pictures of plants or by
                   taking them outside to count how many different kinds of plant they can count.
                   Alternatively, a video of plants could be shown.

              2.   Ask the children the meaning of ‘vegetation’; let them look it up in their dictionaries.

              3.   Let the children find the creation story in their Bibles and seek to discover on which day
                   God made plants. Stress the fact that the word ‘plant’ includes trees, flowering plants,
                   grasses, etc. Why did God create plants?

              4.   Ensure that plant books are available to enable the children to work in pairs to create
                   their own plant alphabet. Some may finish it for homework.

              5.   Gather back to explore the wide variety of plants they have listed and explain that
                   botanists have put them into families to help us to study them in a more ordered way.
                   Suggest some families they could use – grasses, mosses, trees, flowering plants, crops,
                   fungi, seaweeds, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, etc. More able children may wish to
                   categorise their plants into these families.

              6.   End by reading Matthew 6:28-29.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        The children will hopefully begin to experience a sense of wonder at the variety of plants which God
        has made for us to use, eat and enjoy.

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