Page 23 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 23
Science Y3/Y4 – Plants – week 3
Truth to Teach (Source)
To write up the results of the previous week’s experiments on the conditions necessary for
seeds to grow.
To explore the effect of different colours of light on seed growth.
To plant broad beans in different conditions to observe growth.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Write up the results of the previous week’s experiments after observations and
2. Summarise the ‘seeds’ needs’ for growth – air, water, warmth, light. Stress the amazing
potential within each seed. Talk about Jesus’ reference to faith as small as a mustard
seed which can move mountains.
3. Show the children how broad beans can be planted in jars with blotting paper. Let them
plant beans devising experiments to explore different conditions for growth, e.g. enclosing
one jar in a polythene bag, putting varying amounts of water in different jars, putting
some jars in very warm places, others in cooler places.
4. Give the children cress seeds to plant with different coloured cellophane over them to see
if colour of light affects growth.
5. Have a variety of other seeds for children to devise their own experiments. Ensure that
all are named and labelled.
6. The children could record their experiments with labelled drawings or by writing up
experiments using the headings – Aim, Apparatus, Method, Results – leaving results until
the next week.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will see the potential in a small seed and perhaps begin to appreciate the spiritual
lessons which can be drawn from it. They will begin to appreciate that certain conditions are
necessary for the optimum growth of seeds. They will be aware of the ongoing care and
attention required to enable seeds to grow.