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P. 74
Science Y3/Y4 – Stewardship of God’s Creation – week 11
Truth to Teach (Source)
To remind the children of our responsibility to steward the earth so that we leave it as a good
inheritance for future generations.
To continue looking at the management of waste on a large scale.
To investigate the properties of oil and how to separate it from other materials.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Look at the experiment set up last week and discuss observations.
3. Ensure that the children know the meaning of recycling, pollution, biodegradable, etc.
4. Show pictures of oil tankers and ask the children if they have seen what happens if oil
tankers are wrecked or leak oil on the sea. They will probably have seen birds covered
in oil, beaches ruined by oil spillage, etc.
75% of oil used in industry is recycled but only 25% of household oil is recycled.
5. Discuss when and where we use oil in our homes. (Heating, cooking oil, oiling machines,
bikes, etc.)
6. Show the children how to separate oil on a small scale:
Apparatus: 1 Litre of cooking oil, 2 kilos of sand, 0.5 kilos of lentils or dried peas,
1 litre of water.
Sieves, filters, bowls, rags, funnels, newspapers
Method: Mix these together on the day of use. Each group could have some of
the mixture or a smaller amount could be used by the teacher to
The idea is to use the equipment to separate the mixture into its
different components.
7. Let the class write up the work, drawing labelled pictures.