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P. 71
Science Y3/Y4 – Stewardship of God’s Creation – week 8
Truth to Teach (Source)
To learn the meaning of ‘biodegradable’.
To conduct a mealtime survey to see which materials are biodegradable.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the last lesson.
2. Write the word ‘biodegradable’ on the board to see if anyone knows the meaning of it.
(Materials which can be broken down by microbes and moulds.)
3. Tip a bag of household waste onto a piece of polythene sheeting. Let the children
suggest how it should be sorted into biodegradable and non-biodegradable matter.
4. Let the children then consider which items would burn, which would rust, which would rot
away and which are indestructible.
5. Draw a table on the board to sort the materials into plastic, metal, paper and card, food,
etc. Let them consider which items can be used again.
6. Let the children draw the items they had for their meals today, then let them draw tables
to sort the items as above.
7. Some children may have time to weigh each category from their tables.
8. After lunch, let the children tie biodegradable matter in labelled polythene bags to leave
until the next lesson. Ask them to predict what they think will happen to the contents.
Talk about God’s economy in creating creatures which will break down biodegradable
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children should again recognise the responsibility we have to recycle materials which can be
used again. By sorting materials into different categories, the children should be more aware of the
many man-made materials we use. They should recognise God’s economy in creating creatures to
break down our waste.