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P. 73
Science Y3/Y4 – Stewardship of God’s Creation – week 10
Truth to Teach (Source)
To learn more about the variety of metals, how we care for metallic items and how we can sort
and recycle them.
To look at the stewardship of waste on a larger scale.
To recognise the wisdom God has given to Man to invent man-made metals.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the last lessons on stewarding waste.
2. Tip a variety of metal objects onto a tray for the children to suggest ways in which the
metals can be sorted. (Magnetic, colour, use, weight, thickness, etc). Talk about aluminium
cans and non-aluminium cans and how we tell the difference. If any friends work with
metals, perhaps they could come to talk to the children.
3. Show pictures of electro-magnets and explain how metals are sorted on a large scale.
Talk about metals being recycled.
4. Let the children use magnets to sort the metals. The strength of different magnets could
be tested.
5. Set up the following experiment to demonstrate rusting of certain metals:-
Apparatus: Jars, cooking oil, nails, screws, paper clips, drawing pins, etc
Method: Boil water to clear most of the air from it. Immerse several metals in the water
and leave. Put the same kind of metals in water with a layer of cooking oil to exclude the
air. Leave to observe next week.
6. Ask the children to predict what will happen and discuss the importance of oiling certain
metals to preserve them and to prevent rusting. Talk about how we care for our bikes.
7. Guide the children in writing notes and drawing pictures about the lesson, leaving space to
write up the results of the rusting experiment.
8. Talk about the wisdom God has given Man to invent metals and to re-use some of them.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children’s knowledge of metals should have widened so that they should be more aware of how
to care for metals, recycle metals and sort metals.