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P. 72
Science Y3/Y4 – Stewardship of God’s Creation – week 9
Truth to Teach (Source)
To look at further ways of managing waste and recycling materials to save energy and reduce
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lesson and look at bags of biodegradable materials. Discuss their
observations and whether the bags should be left for another week.
2. Explain that we are looking at other forms of waste. Tip out a bag of newspapers, old
clothes, yoghurt pots, broken toys, milk bottle, tin can, etc. Ask the children how we would
best dispose of, or re-use, these items. Perhaps the group could be divided into groups to
discuss different items before sharing together.
3. Introduce the word ‘recycling’ and let the children suggest definitions.
4. Talk about the various ways of recycling materials:
Re-using and repairing, e.g. broken toy
Turning back to original material that it was made from, e.g. metals
Using it to make another item, e.g. yoghurt pot used as a glue pot
Burning to produce heat energy
5. If it is felt possible, perhaps the group could organise ways of collecting waste
throughout the community and taking it to recycling centres. Used stamps and milk bottle
tops could be collected for charities.
6. Let the children draw some of the items from the bag with arrows showing how they could
be recycled or they could create recycling posters to put around the school.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children should be finding more ways in which they, as children, can act as good stewards.