Page 83 - Dinq Magazine August 2020 Edition
P. 83

Kids/Parents  Corner
      Kids/Parents  Corner

                       Why teens don’t listen to
                       Why teens don’t listen to
                       their parents...
                       their parents...

     1.   You’re  doing  a  lot  of  talking, but  your  teenage  child   ing (let alone 24 years) if I didn’t control my urge to fix,
     1.   You’re  doing  a  lot  of  talking, but  your  teenage  child
                                                                    ing (let alone 24 years) if I didn’t control my urge to fix,
         doesn’t seem to be doing a lot of listening. And instead of   correct, solve, and resolve every problem a student had.
         doesn’t seem to be doing a lot of listening. And instead of
                                                                    correct, solve, and resolve every problem a student had.
         sharing your wisdom, it seems like you’re selling echoes. I   Even with my own children, I learned that the less I tried
         sharing your wisdom, it seems like you’re selling echoes. I
                                                                    Even with my own children, I learned that the less I tried
         feel  your  pain, because after successfully  surviving the   to “solve” their problems, the more they came to me
         feel  your  pain, because after successfully  surviving the
                                                                    to “solve” their problems, the more they came to me
         teenage years of my two  children  and  educating  high    with their problems, seeking advice. And the key to your
         teenage years of my two  children  and  educating  high
                                                                    with their problems, seeking advice. And the key to your
         school and college students for more than two decades, I   children confiding in you and listening to you is this:
         school and college students for more than two decades, I
                                                                    children confiding in you and listening to you is this:
         discovered 5 reasons for teens not listening to adults. 1.   Never be shocked by what your teen tells you. You can’t
         discovered 5 reasons for teens not listening to adults. 1.
                                                                    Never be shocked by what your teen tells you. You can’t
         Because we don’t listen to them. Teenagers will listen to   change the outcome or undo it anyway. So instead, ask
         Because we don’t listen to them. Teenagers will listen to
                                                                    change the outcome or undo it anyway. So instead, ask
         anyone  who  listens to  them.  Did you hear what I just   non-judgmental questions. Trust me, they’ll listen to you
         anyone  who  listens to  them.  Did you hear what I just
                                                                    non-judgmental questions. Trust me, they’ll listen to you
         said? They will listen to anyone who listens to them. Do   more because you stayed calm and didn’t react the way
         said? They will listen to anyone who listens to them. Do
                                                                    more because you stayed calm and didn’t react the way
         you realize how dangerous that is? But it’s                               they expected.
         you realize how dangerous that is? But it’s
                                                                                   they expected.
         true.  For  that reason  alone, if  you want
         true.  For  that reason  alone, if  you want
         your teenager to  listen  to you,  start by                               4.  Because they’re hurting. Teenagers
         your teenager to  listen  to you,  start by
                                                                                   4.  Because they’re hurting. Teenagers
         listening to  him  or  her.  Because if  you                              who are hurting but never get healing
         listening to  him  or  her.  Because if  you
                                                                                   who are hurting but never get healing
         don’t listen to your teenagers, their friends                             for it can end up hurting themselves and
         don’t listen to your teenagers, their friends
                                                                                   for it can end up hurting themselves and
         will. And in turn, your teenager is going to                              others. And sometimes the only reason a
         will. And in turn, your teenager is going to
                                                                                   others. And sometimes the only reason a
         listen  to  them.  And do you  really want
         listen  to  them.  And do you  really want                                teen refuses to listen is he or she is hurt-
                                                                                   teen refuses to listen is he or she is hurt-
         your 14-yearold daughter  taking advice                                   ing and suffering in silence and just
         your 14-yearold daughter  taking advice
                                                                                   ing and suffering in silence and just
         from a person who’s only had 14 years of
         from a person who’s only had 14 years of                                  doesn’t know how to express it. So, if
                                                                                   doesn’t know how to express it. So, if
         life experience? I didn’t think so.                                       you choose to ignore your teenager’s
         life experience? I didn’t think so.
                                                                                   you choose to ignore your teenager’s
                                                                                   pain, your teenager is going to choose to
                                                                                   pain, your teenager is going to choose to
     2.  They  question  the  source. As  dads,  we’re                             ignore you. 4 You don’t need to have an
     2.  They  question  the  source. As  dads,  we’re
                                                                                   ignore you. 4 You don’t need to have an
         pretty  good  at  giving  advice. Life has                                answer for your teen. You just need to
         pretty  good  at  giving  advice. Life has
                                                                                   answer for your teen. You just need to
         taught us many lessons, and we feel almost                                be ready to give him or her a safe place
         taught us many lessons, and we feel almost
                                                                                   be ready to give him or her a safe place
         obligated  to pass that wisdom  on to our           Image source: Bill Corbett,    to share his or her hurts with you. Don’t
         obligated  to pass that wisdom  on to our
                                                             Image source: Bill Corbett,
                                                                                   to share his or her hurts with you. Don’t
         children. But as noble as our intentions are,                             be a dad who just loves your children; be
         children. But as noble as our intentions are,
                                                                                   be a dad who just loves your children; be
         there’s one small  problem: Teenagers  don’t  believe half   a dad who listens to them with empathy.
         there’s one small  problem: Teenagers  don’t  believe half
                                                                    a dad who listens to them with empathy.
         the stuff  we’re telling  them. Why?  Because, many  times,
         the stuff  we’re telling  them. Why?  Because, many  times,
         we don’t  always model what  we’re  teaching.  In  other   5.  Because they’re afraid of becoming us. If you really want
         we don’t  always model what  we’re  teaching.  In  other
                                                                5.  Because they’re afraid of becoming us. If you really want
         words, we’re not practicing what we preach. “If you want   to get your teen to listen to you, then simply become the
         words, we’re not practicing what we preach. “If you want
                                                                    to get your teen to listen to you, then simply become the
         your teenagers to listen to you, never ask them to do any-  kind of person you want your teen to become. Many teens
         your teenagers to listen to you, never ask them to do any-
                                                                    kind of person you want your teen to become. Many teens
         thing you’re not willing to do yourself.” If you want your   are secretly afraid that if they do what we do, listen to
         thing you’re not willing to do yourself.” If you want your
                                                                    are secretly afraid that if they do what we do, listen to
         teenagers to listen to you, never ask them to do anything   what we say, and follow the path we recommend, then
         teenagers to listen to you, never ask them to do anything
                                                                    what we say, and follow the path we recommend, then
         you’re not willing to do yourself. Lead by your example,   they eventually will end up at a destination they most want
         you’re not willing to do yourself. Lead by your example,
                                                                    they eventually will end up at a destination they most want
         not by your explanations.  It  is said that “children don’t   to avoid, called “boredom.” Their response: “Why listen
         not by your explanations.  It  is said that “children don’t
         hear what we say, but they watch what we do.” But I as-    to avoid, called “boredom.” Their response: “Why listen
                                                                    to you?” That’s why—to make sure your teen doesn’t tune
         hear what we say, but they watch what we do.” But I as-
         sert that if they see what we’re doing enough, they’ll even-  to you?” That’s why—to make sure your teen doesn’t tune
                                                                    you out—it’s important that you become the kind of per-
         sert that if they see what we’re doing enough, they’ll even-
         tually listen more to what we have to say.                 you out—it’s important that you become the kind of per-
                                                                    son, in character and deed, who’s worth listening to. If you
         tually listen more to what we have to say.
                                                                    son, in character and deed, who’s worth listening to. If you
                                                                    live your life in such a way that commands, not just de-
      3. They’re afraid of being judged or disappointing us. When it   live your life in such a way that commands, not just de-
                                                                    mands, your teenager’s attention, you’ll never have to wor-
      3. They’re afraid of being judged or disappointing us. When it
         comes to raising teenagers, one of the toughest things to   mands, your teenager’s attention, you’ll never have to wor-
                                                                    ry about keeping his or her attention. Sound off: What are
         comes to raising teenagers, one of the toughest things to   ry about keeping his or her attention. Sound off: What are
         learn when to keep your mouth shut. I must confess,        some other reasons teens don’t listen to their parents?
         learn when to keep your mouth shut. I must confess,        some other reasons teens don’t listen to their parents?
         when I first began my teaching career, this was difficult                                    Source: All PRO DAD
         when I first began my teaching career, this was difficult                                    Source: All PRO DAD
         for me. But I soon realized I wouldn’t last a year in teach-
         for me. But I soon realized I wouldn’t last a year in teach-
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