P. 82

All of our five children are now young professionals in   mighty—and  to  do  everything  to  please,  glorify,  and
       their twenties and thirties. We have taught them many     honor Him alone. Your purpose in life is to glorify God
       life lessons, but what will they remember?                and enjoy Him forever.
       There are 4 things  to  know before college that Susan
       and I taught them. Many involve our faith. As you read    3. Remember how you should live—your life.
       through these 4, think about what you want your kids to   God tells us that the most important thing we can do is
       know before college.                                      love Him and love others. Jesus also says, “If you love
                                                                 me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) One
       Here they are:                                            of His commands is to read and meditate on His Word.
                                                                 My favorite passage in the Bible is Psalm 1:1-3, which
       1. Remember who you are—your identity.                    says,  “Blessed  is  the  man  who  does  not  walk  in  the
       So many people spend life                                                            counsel  of  the  wicked  or
       trying  to  determine  their                                                         stand in the way of sinners
       identity.  They  constantly                                                          or  sit  in  the  seat  of  mock-
       struggle  and  attempt  to                                                           ers, but his delight is in the
       create  and  recreate  their                                                         law of the Lord, and on His
       identity  by  how  they  act,                                                        law,  he  meditates  day  and
       how  they  look,  what  they                                                         night.  He  is  like  a  tree
       wear,  what  they  drive,                                                            planted  by  streams  of  wa-
       where they live, and  what                                                           ter, which yields its fruit in
       they’ve  got  because  they                                                          season and whose leaf does
       don’t  have  any  idea  who                                                          not  wither.  Whatever  he
       they are and how valuable                                                            does prospers.”
       they  are.  But  you  don’t
       have  to  do  that.  God  has                                                        What an encouraging word!
       given  you  your  identity                                                           If my delight is in God and
       and value. You were creat-                                                           His Word, and if I read and
       ed and chosen by God. You are wonderfully made.                                      meditate  on  it,  God  will
                                                                 have His hand of favor on my life in ways I never even
       2. Remember why you are here—your purpose.                dreamed of! As you continue on your life journey, you
       In my younger years, it was really important to me to     will be making more and more decisions that will pro-
       get the approval of other people. For example, when I     foundly influence you for the rest of your life here on
       spoke publicly, I was always wondering: “Do they like     earth. The Bible will provide the wisdom you need to
       what I’m saying? Do they like the way I’m saying it?      make decisions that honor God.
       What do they think about me?” But in seeking others’
       approval, I was focused on me. Once I learned to take     4.  Remember  what  God  has  promised  you—your  re-
       the focus off me, fear of what other people thought and   ward.
       fear of making mistakes was replaced with the freedom     I can’t wait to get to Heaven! As I grow older, I think
       to be who God created me to be.                           more about it and look forward to the joy we will expe-
                                                                 rience in the presence of God. God loves you and He
       “Your purpose in life is to glorify God and enjoy Him     has plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future.
       forever.”                                                 God has plans to bless you and richly reward you for
       God does not want us to seek the approval, accolades,     what you have done and what you will do for His glory
       and applause of others. He desires for us to look only to   here on earth.
       the  audience  of  one  person  for  everything—God  Al-

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