Page 11 - MiSO Program overview - Guam On-Line course
P. 11
Along with the GNOC Annual Report, each non-profit organization must comply with the filing process of
the Department of Revenue and Taxation to ensure your NF’s not-for-profit status. Tax forms must be
filled and process along with Annual Reports of the Corporation.
Games Preparation
Information on upcoming Games are provided on the GNOC website and social media pages as well as
the monthly meetings. All NF Executives are required to comply with the information provided on the
Games Preparatory Guidelines which include phases of preparation and deadlines. Submittal of
paperwork on a timely basis will set forth a smooth transition for all. NF Executives are required to
review all documents before submitting ensuring proper endorsements are made by the team officials,
athletes and parents of minors.
GNOC’s responsibility is towards the National Federation Executives. GNOC will not entertain individual
submittals as endorsements from the NF Executives are required. Non-Team Guam members (athletes
and officials) who would like to attend any Games are responsible for their respective lodging, meals,
travel insurance, air and ground transportation. GNOC will not endorse or take responsibility for non-
Team Guam members.
National Federation Events
It is the responsibility of each National Federation to fund their sport specific events including Games,
World, Regional and Open events. National Federations must find their resources that will benefit the
best interest of the organization and its athletes.
GNOC highly recommends every NF Executives to be involved with their International and Regional
organization. NF Executives should attend their General Assembly, Congress meetings, etc. on a regular
Social Media
High visibility for each National Federation is favorable to the institution. It is recommended to post
your events on your social media page to try to generate more interest in your sport.
Websites are also recommended for each National Federation. The continued update of your website
will ensure that information is provided to your members and interested athletes and supporters.
GNOC National Federation Guidelines Vol. 2 – 08 June 2020